Thursday, September 30, 2004
Humour me...
Anyway, I had a good day of connecting with old friends. I met a guy today that I had approached last year doing a survey about The Passion of the Christ cuz he's friends with my friend. I had forgotten how much I hate it when guys check out girls, but honestly, he kept saying things like, "Oh, she's hot." He was talking about a girl we mutually know, and he said, "Nah, I don't really like her, I just like to look at her." DISGUSTING. I don't know. I mean, it's one thing to say that someone is pretty or good-looking. But to say one is hot is so much more sleazy. It really seems more like objectification. It seems like such a male-pig thing to do, to sit there with "the guys" and check out girls. What annoyed me even more was that he insisted that if I ever met his friend Justin, that I would just think he was incredible. Honestly, do I look that shallow? Frankly, I don't care how big his muscles are. That kind of stuff just isn't attractive to me. It really is so much in the personality. Looks don't last forever, but a person's character does. Sigh. Anyway, today, I was reminded of male piggy-ness, and it was disappointing.
I had a better meeting with a girl I mentor with Campus Crusade after. She's so awesome! :) It's amazing to see how much she's grown in every area of her life since I've known her. It's her last year, too, so we were talking about what we wanted our last year to look like. I'm excited, but rather sad about my last year. I wish I had more time to make more of an impact, to do all the things that I want to do. On the other hand, I'm really rather glad to get out of money-sucking York. I will miss the ppl, though. But I'm really praying for the ministry this year, that it will keep growing and be self-sustaining. I know the York ministry will be huge someday; I guess I'm just impatient to see it happen.
Thought of the day (thanks Ian!): Complaining is all about pride. It implies that you know better than God how things should be and that the current situation just isn't good enough.
Saturday, September 25, 2004
I also went to a Rexdale Alliance service today, because I miss my chuch service tmw. GUESS who I saw there? Mr. DALE! I was going to say something, but thought he probably wouldn't remember me anyway. It's good to see he's doing okay though. I think about him every winter when we start shovelling the snow and my dad goes nuts shovelling fast and hard. Now that he's running on the treadmill, that probably won't be so bad, but my dad just used to go from doing absolutely no physical exercise during the year to busting his butt shovelling.
Anyway, I also saw some other ppl I know, but most notably, I got to see my friend who's been in Malawi for the past year. WILLS! Actually, that's her last name, but it's so funny, the way we interact is when we see each other, we scream out each other's last names. It's good fun. Actually, if any of you remember my fantastic "It's Raining Men" dance from when I went to China, she is the choreographer of that hilarious dance. Apparently one of her friends had her do it at a wedding!!! Ahaahah. It's just filled with the biggest 80s dance moves EVER (think running man, pastel hairbands, side ponytails). Another high point was actually after she finished yelling out my last name. She said, "You're not wearing plaid." Instantly I picture Joey Lawrence (circa Blossom era) and his tacky plaid shirts that were SOOO cool back then. Then I realize she's referring to the fact that they called me the "Plaid Patrol" and "Bad in Plaid" back when we were over in China, because all the PJs I used to wear happened to be plaid and pink. I came home that summer and realized 90% of my PJs were plaid. Ahahahahaha. Anyway, it was sooooooo great to see her. She always cracks me up and has the most hilarious stories from Malawi. I'm glad she's back, and that I got to see her!
The service was actually really good, too. It was entitled, "Who Killed Jesus?" and the Pastor talked about people watching The Passion of the Christ and coming out thinking that a certain group killed Jesus. For example, there was all that controversy over the anti-Semitic stuff, but he talked about the fact that if we walked out from that movie and thought Pontius Pilate or the Roman soldiers or Judas or whoever killed Jesus, that we had missed the point. He concluded that basically, all humanity was responsible for Jesus' death, but also that God was (Acts 2:23,24).
"This man was handed over to you by God's set purpose and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross. But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him."
Looking at the cross always helps me put my life in perspective. I think today as I thought about the crucifixion, I thought about my pride and the sin that's in my life and I thought about how everytime I get angry or...whatever it is, I mean, that action is the reason Christ died. Everyday, it's us that nails him to the cross. I think that's also what Mel Gibson wanted to convey when he had his cameo in the film nailing Jesus to the cross. It's Mel's hand that lifts the hammer. But through the blood and suffering, it's amazing to think that even if you were the only person on earth, Christ would still have died for you.
"It was my sin that held him there, until it was accomplished.....His dying breath has brought me life, I know that it is finished." - Stuart Townsend, How Deep the Father's Love
Friday, September 24, 2004
Veritas Daily
You know, I always wonder as I write blog entries whether ppl find them boring. It's funny, because sometimes I'll look back over what I wrote and realize how boring it is, but I'll post it anyway. Hahaha, it's my secret torture for all of you. Maybe I'll purposely try to post a reeeeeeeeeeeeaally boring blog one day. "This morning I woke up at 7 am. Then I went downstairs and had some yogurt for breakfast. It was maple-flavoured yogurt, because we make homemade yogurt so I pour maple syrup into it to flavour it myself." Blah blah blah. Ahahaha. Ppl don't REALLY have blogs this boring, do they? Hm.
Rip-off of the week: Dexit cards. Stupid things charge you $1.50 everytime you want to refill with money. Booooo Dexit.
Random trivia of the day: How many ridings are there in Canada (ie how many seats in the House of Commons)? Oooh. Exciting question, I know. Ahahahah.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Extramarital icky!
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Amaaaaazing Race
Monday, September 20, 2004
Furious = Happy. It's going to be a long year.
On another note, flies have spawned somewhere in my house. EWWW. My mom thinks they're coming out of the drain. I have no idea. What I do know is that these flies are really stupid. They're reeeeeally slow and stupid. I can swat them with my hand and they get knocked out. Ahahaha. I shouldn't laugh at such killing, but they're just such BAD flies. I mean, flies are supposed to be good at flying around and evading enemies, but these ones justsuck. I guess this is why the ones with the good genes survive? Hm. Anyway, we've managed to eliminate most of them, so yay. No more annoying flies!
Okay, time for some work. My homework tonight is to write out 10 Chinese characters 10 times. It was so funny, we're learning the pictographs, which are the characters that were taken from their iconic sort of drawings. Anyway, our teacher draws out a sun, moon, person, tree....everything looks like the character. Unfortunately, then she gets to the character "heart". She drew it as a picture, and no one could tell what it was. As she was drawing it though, I realized it was the character and when she asked what it was and everyone was dumbfounded by this horrendous picture, I called out, "heart". She was like, "YES, that's right!" as if her picture was so obvious. Everyone was like, that's supposed to be a HEART? Ahahaahah, I have no idea how in the world they got that character from heart, but there ya go. Now everyone thinks I'm good at interpreting random scribble-y pictures.
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Man On Fire, Drenched in tears
But it's a good movie, and it has a good ending.... I bawled my little eyes out. It was THAT sad. Sniff. Dakota Fanning's just so darn cute.
Annoying moment of the weekend: Annoying Pizza Hut operators who charge you $7 extra for some stupid crust, when all you want is regular oven-baked crust. Only noooo, she won't give it to us because apparently you can't have this crust if you get a certain deal. Well, we did 5 minutes later when we called again to double-check and we got a nice Pizza Hut operator. :P!!!
Friday, September 17, 2004
Reason # 20049 for why technology stinks sometimes
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Death and Dying, Life and Living
I started tearing up a bit during the video, but really shed a couple tears as I did one of the readings for today. The textbook talks a lot about 9/11 in the introduction, and there was a small box with a transcript of a phone call from a man on one of the hijacked planes to his wife. The thing about death is that it really makes you appreciate life.
"This is the reported message that Brain Sweeney, a 38-year-old passenger on United Airlines Flight 175 that crashed into the World Trade Center's South Tower, left for his wife, Julie, on their answering machine shortly before 9 a.m. on September 11, 2001.
'Hey Jules, it's Brian. I'm on a plane and it's hijacked and it doesn't look good. I just wanted to let you know that I love you and I hope to see you again. If I don't, please have fun in life and live your life the best you can. Know that I love you and no matter what, I'll see you again.'"
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Potential Jobs
- waitress at a Japanese restaurant
- artist (whatever that means!)
- teacher
- child-life worker
- author of educational tools and manipulatives
- professional quilter (whatever that means again)
- children's book author
- missionary
- English teacher overseas
- fashion designer
- professional calligrapher (like those ppl that label the grad photo composites!)
- professional organizer
That's all I can think of for now, and I'm pretty sleepy. When I think of any more absurd ones, I'll let you all know!
P.S. I know, eh, Matt! No one updates blogs anymore. I think they're actually busy diligently completing schoolwork. Gasp. :)
Unitedly Untied
The difference between 'United' and 'Untied' is where you put the 'i'.
She was talking about being in relationships.
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Like a deer in the headlights
On a side note, while very much avoiding planning my activity for tomorrow, I have whipped up an 8-foot banner for my Campus Crusade retreat this Oct 1-3. Is anyone interested in going? We have groups coming from most universities, so it'll be easy to get transportation. It's nice to get away for a bit. :) Anyway, it's $99 before Sept. 21, so lemme know if anyone wants to go. So yes, as I was saying, this banner has helped me realize that I really like banner-making. I'm going to start another one as soon as this first one dries. If you're at York anytime, check out my banner handiwork in the Student Centre. :)
P.S. Why aren't ppl updating their blogs as much these days? Goodness, so dedicated to school and work. Look at me, the slacker updating pretty much everyday! But yeah, I enjoy hearing what's up with you people, so update already, will you???
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Blogger BOOO
- Oh, I think I boasted about how I beat Mike at speed. Big-time. Mwahahaha. Okay, but, admittedly, he did kick my butt after in strategic war. STRATEGIC war, you say? Yes! War is just so unchallenging, so I decided we should be able to look at all the cards in our hand and decide which card to play. It's pretty hilarious, because you end up kicking yourself for putting out bad cards. It's also pretty interesting when you have a war.
- It was so neat visiting Steph and Mike's places. Mike, I don't know how you survive living across from a MALL!!! Last Christmas when I worked in the mall, it was brutal cuz I just kept going shopping on my breaks!
- I did a lot of assembling Ikea furniture. Also quite fun. Oh, and we blew up the big inflatable queen size bed! The one that comes with a stand, even, that they advertise in all those commercials. For those posh campers.
- the wedding was really nice. They had it in a winery, which was absolutely beautiful, and the bride was beautiful of course. She has red hair and blue eyes! Isn't that amazing!? I had tons of fun hanging out all weekend in London with old friends, and new ones!
- Happy birthday (for tmw), oh cake-hating, fuzzy-tomato-eating one. You know who you are.
- I got to drink Koolaid on the weekend, which is so neat because I never have Koolaid at my house, not even the Jammers!
- I wore a strapless black dress ($20 at the Gap!!!!), only I had horrible tan lines from camp so I had to wear my hair down very strategically to cover. Ahahaha, I'm such a loser!
- the Godfather skit at the wedding consisted of the father of the bride talking like the Godfather. It was hilarious. It started off, "Martin, it has come to my attention in the past hour that you are showing considerable interest in my youngest daughter, Kathleen. Now, I'm ready to make a deal with you. I may need a favour in the future, and I know you own a large array of power and construction tools. I may even need to borrow your cement mixer...." etc. It was hilarious. :)
So that was the good 'ol weekend recap very quickly.
Now it's time for the most hilariously ridiculous story in the entire world.
My sister knows a guy, and he has 2 brothers. They all love cars. One night, they decide to go to the BMW dealership at ONE AM to look at cars. This BMW dealership is across the street from a police station. That is brilliant move #1. They drive to the dealership in their brand new car. Brilliant move #2. So, they get to the dealership and are scoping out the cars in the middle of the night, when a police cruiser pulls up. They think nothing of it and continue to peruse. Suddenly, more cop cars are pulling up around them, and they're actually ARRESTED and put into the back of the cruisers! Why? Because the first cop car ran their plate because they were kinda suspicious (3 grown men, checking out BMWs in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT). Turns out that because the car was so new, it wasn't totally properly registered yet, so they thought it was a stolen car. What is even better is they asked who was driving, and they all said the youngest brother was, even though he wasn't, because the older brothers had outstanding parking tickets and stuff. Brilliant move #3: Youngest brother had forgotten his license in a friend's car. He phones his friend who proceeds to hang up on him because it's late. It was just hilarious. First of all, really, WHO goes to check out cars that late at night, ACROSS from a police station. And then all this bad luck. Ahahaha, it was hilarious!
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Placement praise!
On a sidenote, I have to teach government to the kids. Any tidbits of info you all want to give me would be great!
On another sidenote, when ppl stand in a circle and push someone around inside, it's called Nerdball. Who knew?! I'm no bully.
This blog is SO random.
Everyone's leaving for school. Or for some foreign land. Sigh. So sad. It makes me think about what it'll be like for me if, well, when I leave. Oh waterworks central. :*(
Still slightly sicky from camp. Phlegm level is going down. Cough level is going up. I'm regaining my voice, and the bruises are less purple.
I might as well give the weekend run-down. I went to a fun wedding with a fun skit with a fun friend and had a fun time! Then I had more fun times with more fun friends at a fun church and fun mall and fun apartment with assembling IKEA furniture fun! I also kicked Mike's butt in Speed. And then he kicked my butt in STRATEGIC war. See, we started out playing regular war, which is totally pointless because you just draw random cards. In strategic war, you get to look at all the cards you have and decide which one to play. It's pretty fun. The best part is when you have a war and can put out crappy cards and then fight with a good one. Unfortunately, it goes on forever if you both have pretty good cards. But yes, try strategic war. Guaranteed to be more fun than regular war.
I got to see my friends' apartments, and one of them lives across from a mall. That would be SUCH bad news for me. I also realized the London Asian Christian circle is very very tight.
Lots of random thoughts to amuse or, not amuse, random minds.
First day of school tmw! Am I excited?! I have 13 hours of class first semester and 10 during second semester. Do you hate me? AHahahaha. I'm proud of my hard-working friends tho. Go meddies (this is my new made-up name for med-school students).
Monday, September 06, 2004
Violent fun at camp
Then Rudy decided to try to throw me in because I had wet him slightly during a camp water fight. He originally had a bucket of water, but I overturned it so he decided just to throw me into the water. It actually got quite violent. He was wrestling me and dragging me across the dock by my feet. Wasn't fun, and actually hurt a little. But anyway, I managed to escape, yes, call me Houdini, and ran to my cabin. I finally changed back into my wet water fight clothes and let Rudy soak me because I didn't want to run from him forever. I just didn't have enough energy.
Some more violent fun came from the game wink. Basically, the gals sit on chairs in a circle, and the one guy stands behind each chair. One chair is empty. The guy behind the empty chair winks at a girl, and she has to try to get to the empty chair before being caught by the guy behind her chair. Very fun times, but I bruised my knee TWICE trying to keep my partner from escaping. I smashed it into the chair.
Bruise count: 2
Oh, we had a good softball game against our church team, and I got hit with a softball. The funniest part was that the best player threw it in from the OUTFIELD and it even bounced before it hit me by home plate, but I still got a huge welt.
Bruise count: 3
Some more mystery bruises appeared along my shin.
Bruise count: 4
The worst bruise came when we were at a campfire. Some ppl thought it would be fun to form a circle and push ppl around inside it. It looked like serious bullying, but was actually hilarious until they decided I should get pushed around. That was semi-funny also, until the shoved me into a log and I smashed my knee into it.
Total bruise count for the week: 5
And this is from someone who does not bruise easily at all. Call me the peach.
Voiceless and exhausted
My week of camp was amazing. I don't even mind that I missed the closing ceremonies for the Olympics (does the wedding dance really look like the death one??). There are so many stories to tell, so many memories, but I'll start with the fact that I have pretty much lost my voice in the upper 2 octaves from trying to win spirit points for my team, and also for leading worship at camp. Apparently I sound like Marlene Dietrich, Kathleen Turner or Demi Moore. All husky-voiced and sultry. AHAHAHAHAHAhaha.
Oh, wow, there really is a lot to say. I'm just going to list the stuff I want to talk about, and then I'll probably spend the next month blogging about it all. Ahahahaha. Welcome to camp central.
1. Little Adam who was a terror at first and softened by the end.
2. A billion and one bruises on my legs. And I do'nt bruise easily.
3. Water fighthing fun.
4. Rule of three.
5. Fantastic food. This one is self-explanatory, unless someone wants a gastronomical explanation of the food we had.
6. Amazing worship.
7. Japan stuff.
8. Campfire farting stories.
9. Rainbow.
10. Good talks with campers.
11. Flirty boy campers, tsk tsk.
12. Skunk.
13. Other. Ahahaha. Anything else I randomly remember will go into this category.
14. Me sucking at sports and wanting to play for fun but not being able to because I suck.
I think I'll just tackle these one by one slowly. I have lots of stuff about this weekend too. Fun central!
1. Wedding fun.
2. Ikea fun.
3. Speed fun.
4. War fun.
5. London expert.
6. I love Koolaid. That's it, actually. Oh, well, that and I'm usually deprived of Kool-aid at home, which is probably why I like it so much.
7. Another other in case I've forgotten something.
8. Oh, yeah, tan line plus strapless dress dilemmas.
9. Fun Godfather skits.
Don't all these just sound so exciting? Ahahaha, stop rolling your eyes.
Okay, so totally briefly: Adam was a little 7 year old who was brilliant and has amazing reading skills. My first encounter with them was sitting next to him and his cousin Matthew (same age) during our first main session. The first thing he says (this kid is like 3 feet tall) is, "Wake me up when it's over." Ahahahaa. I GASPED. Ahahahaha. SO much attitude! And then, he was all, "Kill me now." Gasp AGAIN! Then Matthew pipes up and says, "This is so BORING." I totally thought that it would be a horrible week of attitude from the both of them, but eventually, the shaped up. Adam was hilarious because he randomly break-danced all the time. Once, I was standing 2 feet away from him and asked him about breakdancing, when he suddenly screamed, "Get away from me!" at me. Ahahaha, after that, everytime I saw him, I said that to him. It was quite funny. He hunted me down eventually and said, "I'm going to kill you" in a really creepy voice. He's SO random! Later tho, he and I had a date at the swings. He wanted to see how good my under-doggy was. Ahahahahaha. He rated it, "Okay." THe best thing about Adam though was that he was so bright, but also that he understood the Gospel. One session, he just burst out with, "We all need God, that's the answer." Such an advanced little thing for him to say. We gave him a Bible, and he wouldn't put the thing down. This SEVEN-yr-old!!! He was showing me how he was going to read all these different sections about Jesus' death and resurrection. It was crazy! He carried it EVERYWHERE for TWO WHOLE days. He was such a cutie. I can't believe he couldn't put it down. THat's total child-like faith, and it was so inspiring. I should be this excited about my Bible!!!
That was just number one. This is going to take forever. Let's hope nothing interesting happens these next couple of days so I don't have even more to blog about.
P.S. Read Uche's blog about PETA. So hilarious.