Monday, October 17, 2005

Funny Asia pictures with captions

Hey, so that picture on the Mickey D's cup is REALLY real. No photoshop here. But it isn't me. But it looks like me. Actually, I'm surprised ppl don't come up to me in the street to ask whether I'm the girl on the McDonald's cup. Hmmm.

Another icky pic:
D.Lu's dirty Asia feet" - Donculously dirty

P.S. D.Lu went to take a nap and is snoring up a STORM. Ahahahahah.

Gah, surprise entry eaten...

D.Lu, I know I made fun of you for your blog being eaten by blogspot, but the monster has also attacked my blog entry so I apologize. Stupid blogspot monster!!! Gah. I'm going to select what I'm typing every 5 seconds to copy it, in case. AHahahaha.

Anyhoo, I was raving about how great street meat was, and was going on for quite a while, but seeing as that entry was eaten, I'll leave you with a few choice highlights.

Street meat is sooooooooooooooo great.

Can't beat stuff on a stick grilled and seasoned to perfection over hot coals! :)

Last time we had street meat, we also did a load of DVD/CD purchasing, which was so great. I decided to recapture my fobbiness. Or, well, I never had much fobbiness, so let's say I'm letting it take over. Anyway, I was browsing the j-pop section for some Namie and Ayumi and had a CD in my hand when a guy next to me turns to his friend and says disdainfully (in Japanese), "Oh, look, she's checking out Namie Amuro." To which I reply by turning and saying, "Oh, why, you don't like her?" AHahahahahahahaha, he was totally like, "You know how to speak Japanese?!?!?!" I was like, "Surprise!!!!!!!!" :) Ahahahahaha. It's because I look Asian, and no one thinks I'm Japanese. Mwahahahaha.

For the record, I had eleventy billion people ask me on Saturday HOW I could be Canadian, because I am Asian. Therefore, I am winning the competition, booyah D. Lu!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Itchy all over...

Happy Thanksgiving! This weekend, we cooked a chicken, mashed potato, stuffing and veggie dinner (with salmon for Sarah B. who doesn't eat meat), and it was yummyyyyy. :) It was good to have the other ppl visit us from the other city! It was an amazing week because I spent the week having really intentional times with God, and He spoke so clearly. I also got to talk to a girl this week about her beliefs, and I'm so excited to share with her...

I am thankful for:
1) For knowing God intimately
2) For my family at home and here and all my loved ones
3) Incredibly amazing housing
4) Incredibly amazing street food 2 on the street outside our housing complex
5) For grace.

Gah, so I am officially itchy ALL over. It started a couple days ago, and I thought it was because of a new soap I was using. I discontinued use of that soap (ahahaha, now I'm diiiiiiiirty!) ;) but am still itchy. I consulted a doctor friend, and because I'm also nautious, he said I was having an allergic reaction to something. If I scratch anywhere on my body, I get hives. Gah. I never knew what hives were till today. Sigh. Itchy. All over. Sleepy. So sleepy.

Random factoid: THere is a mosquito in my room that I failed to kill, and now I am living in fear of said mosquito.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Funniest thing ever!

So D.Lu, who is part of my group here needed some new undies. Now, if you know anything about shopping in Asia, everything is 2 sizes smaller than in Canada. So, he walks up to some underwear vendor man and requests LARGE undies, because he's D.Lu. (like J.Lo) A.k.a. he has an outtie bum. Anyway, the vendor pulls out these XXL undies, and D.Lu thinks to himself that those undies are not even going to fit over his ankle. Sooo, he asks for bigger ones. And lo and behold, what does the vendor pull out? XXXL? Noooo....

AAHAHAHAHAHaha, count 'em, that's SIX X's.

That's SIX X's!!!!!!!!!!!! That's HUGE! They were called "Big Sir Boxers". THey have a big farmer on the front of them!!!!

They are SO funny. Asia is full of funny pictures, but this internet connection takes forever to load them. They will come slowly and surely though.

One of the things that really excited me at the beginning of the year was meeting the Japanese team who was going to be doing the same thing as me in our city, but at a different university! They are amazingly amazing!

I had to translate a speaker session for them, and I was sweating BULLETS. I was so hot and I couldn't think of words and I don't think I will ever translate into Japanese again. But they were so nice and cute. The funniest was that the middle guy said that one of the only things he could say in the language was "Will you be my girlfriend?" and I was fully like, "Way to be useful with your team!" Ahahahaha.

SO that's all for now. Wow, this has got to be some record, updating twice in 2 days. Don't get too excited, it could be it for a couple months!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Breaking the silence

I'm finally breaking the long blog silence with....

Ahahahahaha, being tagged by Laura!

Rules of the game: Post 5 Weird and Random facts about yourself, then at the end list the names of 5 people who are next in line to do this. Also leave a post on their xanga (or blogspot, which is even better) to let these people know.

(I can't believe it, everyone's doing this, I had no idea because I hadn't read xangas in so long. WHO am I going to tag?)

1. I can play rock, scissors, paper, with my toes. I have long toes. What can I say?

2. I've never been to Florida. Honestly, EVERYONE'S been to Florida. Not me. I always wanted to go to Epcot, but now I think I'm too old to romp through Disneyland and Epcot without yelling at kids in line or doing some other crazy thing like that.

3. Wow, I really suck at thinking of random facts...Oh, I know. My big toenail once ripped off when I was small, because I was eating and driving at the same time. That is, I was riding my tricycle around my kitchen while eating ice cream. Apparently ice cream consumes my attention, because somehow my toe got stuck and off came the nail. Gaaaaah, so painful. I shudder when I think of it.

4. I had a shirt that said, "Majah Flavah" on it. Come ON, imagine me with a Majah Flavah shirt, ahahahahaahahahahaha. I'm ridiculous. I should get it for Laura. ;) Oh, but confession, I returned it. I couldn't pull it off. No majah flavah here. Sigh.

5. I write stuff on my hand to remember it but am constantly falling asleep on my hand, forgetting I wrote on it. Therefore, when I wake up, I am left with very attractive backwards-writing on my cheek, to go along with my attractive drool splotches. I have Majaaaaaaah flavahhhh! AHahahahaha.

Okay, so now I tag...Naoms, Emiks, um...gah, I need more friends...Dan and um...Steph and Patricia (ahahaha, don't check Patrish's she never updates!)

I'll try and update more often...but no connection over here isn't the greatest.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

In Vancouver!

Yep, I'm in Vancouver. I've been up for...42 hours straight. I flew in a plane where I only got 3 cups of cranberry juice and 4 bags of pretzel mix. It was called Sunny Mix, but it was not sunny, considering that was the ONLY food you got. I had no idea WestJet lacked food. I will know for next time. So, the combination of lack of sleep and hunger makes me one grumpy grumpy camper, on top of the fact that my computer, my PRETTY new HP computer, doesn't like the programs we're installing during our IT session. I don't know anything about computers. All I know is that if my computer didn't have pretty blue lights, it might be tossed at the wall.

Okay, so I'm grumpy, but I'm totally totally excited for going overseas. THere's so much you need to know, to think about as you do cross-cultural ministry. Asian culture is so different, but I think one of the interesting things we talked about in training was about emotional maturity of Asians. I mean, not ALL Asians, but many Asians. The fact is that they are so achievement-oriented that they spend most of their childhood trying hard in school. By the time they get to university, it's almost a relief, but at that point, it's almost like these girls start experiencing childhood. Thus, the obsession with cutesy things. I don't know, it was an interesting point to think about. It's interesting too because the person that originally thought up this theory is an Asian girl who saw all this first-hand.

Gah, I'm so tired. I miss you lots, everyone! All your plane letters were amazing, and I cried. I actually bawled like a baby at the airport. I'm glad getting on the flight to Asia won't be as hard.

Eleven months will go by like that.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

gah, missing a wedding...

Last night my tooth cracked.
Then later, the chunk fell off.
Then I got home and my dad's car was broken into.


I have a wedding I was supposed to go to today. I can't go.

Life is so funny sometimes.

Oh, but don't worry, nothing was stolen, and I'm getting the tooth fixed today, yay! Meanwhile, the jagged edges are scratching my poor tongue.

Ahahahaha, it's just funny that it's been so crazy. You can't say life is boring!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


PTL = Praise the Lord!

I have awesome kids this camp session!!!! Fifteen super-sweet kids in the morning (albeit 10 are boys and 5 are girls, and they may already be getting rowdier), and then 7 ultra-talkative kids in the afternoon. I have one boy who is slightly space-cadet-y and likes to wander, but I chalk it up to his young age (he's 5 in a 6/7 yr old class, gasp, I know).

The funniest is the cute asian girl with glasses in the morning who could teach the class, really. The first day, I was demo-ing something with clay, and she piped up and said, "Oh, that's called coiling. Are we making clay coil pots?" HOW does a little 6-yr-old know already about clay coiling?? This girl is brilliant. She spouts out random facts about everything...the human body has this much water, etc. She's as cute as Dora the Explorer, with the nerdiness of Bill Nye the Science Guy. I know. She's a catch.

I loved cottage weekend!!!!!! You gals are the best, and we must cry over sappy Korean movies some other time, but with less memory loss!

Saturday, July 09, 2005

My incredible talent...

I'm icing my nose/eyeball. Sigh.

So I have an incredible talent for 1) being very bad at softball, ahahaha, which leads to 2) being very good at hurting myself while playing softball. Ahahahaahha. Oh man. It was pure America's funniest home video moments today as I hit the ball back into my FACE. Ahahahaha. I can only shake my head and laugh.

Divine Design

When a manufacturer designs a coffee mug, they don't make a mug and then try to find a purpose for it. No engineer would design something without an idea of what it is supposed to do. They know what it's going to do before they design it. They think about the best features and details they could put into a cup in order to make it fulfill its intended purpose in the best way. In the same way, God did not create us and then look at the world and say "hmm... I wonder what purpose I can give them before they come to heaven." He created us with our purpose in mind. He designed our lives, our personalities, our strengths, our weaknesses with the idea that we would fulfill our intended purpose. - Margie

What's your purpose?

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Random things that are fun to do!

1) Cleaning cars. But only newer ones. Old ones that don't seem to get clean after you clean them are not fun to clean.
2) Piggy-backing ppl, and being piggy-backed. But not while running. Walking is good, running is not.
3) Salsa-dancing. Ahahaha, I have no rhythm. But still fun. Gotta learn not to stare at the feet.
4) Family bonding - doing puzzles together is uber-fun
5) Dutch blitz - a very goot vonderful game
6) Text messaging
7) Being in air conditioning on hot days
8) Singing random songs
9) Sharing a room with your sister
10) Doing cross-eyes and then moving one eyeball back and forth, ahahahaah

Wow, this was a list from so long ago that I totally didn't get around to posting. So many drafts piling up. Not as much blogging time these days, probably because meeting with ppl in person is much more funner. I love making up words. Funner! :)

P.S. Naomi, how's Operation Cupid (ahem ahem) coming along???

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Metro Man the horticulturalist or Plant nerds really do have more fun

Another installment in the ever-popular Metro Man series. A.k.a. Why we need more acronyms in life.

Another sunrise in Tortham sees continued peace and quiet, with the fashion world dozing in a assured slumber, knowing their village was safe in the hands of the capable Metro Man. After escaping from the evil clutches of Scary Pirate man and saving the beloved BB sign, Metro Man's credentials were firmly established in the hearts of the Torthamians. Torthammers? Hm.
But just as any trendy fashionista knows, along with the new shows during Fashion week comes change of a lesser fashion.

A dark figure emerged from the shadows of a Tortham bungalow. She looked like any other average Torthammer, with one the naked eye, she was ordinary, but to Metro Man's trained colour-contacted eye, she was a walking fashion disaster waiting to take down the rest of the world into the pits of fashion despair.

Metro Man was awakened from his slumber as the FD (Fashion Disaster) stepped onto the sidewalk in a pair of...gasp, penny loafers, complete with real pennies. AND she was wearing white after labour day! His fashion-sense was tingling and he flew into action. Calling his loyal campadres, the Knitting Knave and the Proofer, he leaped into carefully coiffed action.

The TAATT (Tremendously Above Average Torthamian Trio) jumped into the Metro-mobile, and Metro Man crooned stylishly along to the sounds of The Best in Boy Bands...

As they contemplated the capture of the FD, Metro Man's heart was saddened...He realized that it wouldn't be fair to capture the FD and lock her away in FD isolation. There must be some other way...there must be something else they could do...

As Metro Man's thoughts wandered back to his vacation in ,and his days beside sparkling waters and colourful tropical flora, he had a brilliant idea! He could save this white-after-Labour-Day-disaster! He just needed one thing...

As quickly as you could say "Sale at the Lancome counter", the trio was off to the Royal Botanical Gardens. On the way, they picked up Krazy Karl and Smiley Sam, 2/5 of the Stupendously Stupendous Fashion Quintet (SSFQ).

{Smiley Sam had been recruited by the Knitting Knave after bonding over quilted jackets and capturing fish at Gardening Camp in '04, back when quilted jackets were all the rage,

while the TAATT had spotted Krazy Karl's telling-time-by-the-sun-skills while he was still a member of the OTHER TAATT, or the Tremendously Above Average Time Tellers.

They didn't think it was any coincidence he happened to be a part of a superhero group with the SAME acronym, so they quickly recruited him}

The SSFQ were now complete! The newcomers and Metro Man posed for a quick picture to add to their superhero portfolios, and they were on their way.
(notice the perfected Blue Steel expressions)

Suddenly, the sounds of peaceful snoring arose from the deep corners of the Metro-mobile...gasp!

The Knitting Knave and Proofer had been taken out by a Powerful Peaceful Slumber Pill (PPSP, for short). They would be out of commission for the day. Better to leave them in the car, lest they warn the FD of the imminent danger via their nasal snoring.

As the three approached the heavily guarded Royal Botanical Gardens, they noticed the first in a series of security measures...

Smiley Sam, like The Proofer, had a penchant for shiny, brightly coloured objects and was quickly confounded by the colourful booby trap at the front gate.

Krazy Karl, on the other hand, was taken aback by the fleet of security henchmen poised to strike...

Not one to lose his wits so easily, Metro Man quickly rescued the two from their frozen stupors and snuck onto the grounds. Along the way, the brilliant Smiley Sam picked up a disguise to pose as a Rich Lady With Too Much Time to Look At Flowers.

She blended in well.

As they sashayed their way through the gardens, the scent of various pansies and roses was overtaken by the scent of something much more appetizing. Immediately, 3/5 of SSFQ decided on a lunch break and sat down to gorge.

One cannot operate at full superhero power on an empty stomach.

As the last french fry hit the perfect pout of Metro Man, the three moved into action.

"We're looking for a rare purple gooberflower," explained Metro Man, putting his vast knowledge of tropical flora to work.

"Aha, I know JUST what flower you speak of!" exclaimed the equally plant-nerdy Krazy Karl.

The three began their hunt of the elusive flower.

As they proceeded on the gooberflower hunt, Krazy Karl proceeded to dazzle Metro Man and Smiley Sam with his abundant knowledge of Poufy Flowers...

While Smiley Sam's great gastrointestinal knowledge came in handy in the Hall of Herbs.

Suddenly (as in all superhero adventures, nothing is every this easy...), they encountered what would be the trickiest of tricksy booby traps. The Concrete Column (CC).

"How do we get past it?" they wondered.

Smiley Sam quickly put her kiddie gymnastics experience to work. "Maybe the Ya Ya Hi-ya move will work!"

Alac and alas, the CC stood unaffected by her great flexibility and Gumby prowess.

"Oh, here, I'll do it. Get out of the way!" Krazy Karl shoved Smiley Sam off the CC.

As Smiley Sam nursed her perky yet bruised gluteus maximus, Krazy Karl's attempts at conquering the CC were also proving futile.

"HERE, I'LL do it," cried Metro Man in exasperation.

Metro Man made quick work of the CC using his Belly Flop skills and the trio moved on.

They continued the hunt and passed some of the rarest flowers in the world.

'Hmm,' thought Metro Man, 'That pink one would go great with my silver shirt..."

Metro Man seemed distracted, but Smiley Sam seemed even more prone to losing sight of their goal...

'I wonder if I could make matching corsages and boutonnieres for prom...'


Swept off her feet by an unusually dashing man of straw, Sam was rendered useless due to Hearts in the Eyes Syndrome.

Disheartened but determined, Krazy Karl and Metro Man continued the hunt...

Metro Man, not a gooberflower...

At last, Metro Man spotted the Evil Arachnid poised high above them in her evil lair (can lairs be evil?). This HAD to be a sign of the gooberflower's presence nearby.
Image hosted by

In a brave attempt to avoid the Evil Arachnid's poisonous fangs, Metro Man sacrficed his perfect coif and dove into the Raging River.

He cautiously made his way past the lounging Prickly Pear Poisson...

...and finally, Metro Man arrived at the Northern Bank.

'Hmm, having wet clothes really sets off my muscle tone,' he thought as he stole quietly towards the gooberflower plantation.

The rare purple gooberflower was in his sights...

"Aha! I've found you at last, you rarest of purple flowers!" exclaimed Metro Man triumphantly.

He could now use the purple gooberflower to mix up his special Artist-Formerly-Known-As-Prince Purple dye, in order to salvage the ghastly white outfit sported by the FD. Tie-dye would be back in style again. Another fashion disaster had been averted thanks to Metro Man's quick thinking and discerning eye for fashionable colours.

After rescuing Smiley Sam and Krazy Karl from the Deserts of Distraction, they celebrated by doing the Airplane Dance and headed home.

Back in his IKEA-fied bedroom, Metro Man took some time to reflect on the day.

'Tortham is safe once again,' thought Metro Man as he pulled his silk eye mask over his sleepy eyes. 'Another one in the bag.'

And he drifted off to sleep.

The END!


Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Maya Angelou quotes (thanks Patrish!)

"I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seemstoday, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow."
"I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the wayhe/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights."
"I've learned that regardless of your relationship with yourparents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life."
"I've learned that making a "living" is not the same thing as "making a life."
"I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance."
"I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart,I usually make the right decision."
"I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one."
"I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back."
"I've learned that I still have a lot to learn."
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Thursday, June 30, 2005

No pain, no gain

The wise healer endures the pain. Cry. Tears bring joy. - Erykah Badu

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Honest communication is SO GOOD

What more is there to say than honesty and openness in a relationship, in communication and in conversation is absolutely fantastic? It's so so so so so so good to clarify.

I got my film developed from when my grams was here, so here are some small and fuzzy copies of them!

Me and Grams in Kleinburg

My sister and I being goofs at my family grad dinner

Welcome to my office

Sunday, June 26, 2005


So I should let you all know that our team is officially 0-3 right now. Ahahahaha. Today's game was fun, though, and slightly kinda close. I took yet another ball off my ankle, but this time my left one. At some point, my glove needs to make contact with the actual ball.

I think I'm still stressed out, but it's funny how God encourages us in all these different ways. I feel uber-encouraged right now. :)

P.S. I am the puzzle MASTER. My discerning eye for various shades of blue, along with my amazing ability to match convoluted cardboard shapes seems to be coming in handy. I am kicking everyone's butt. If you wanna have a try, come over and help me with the puzzle, but know that you've been warned. I am the MASTER. Hm, with the exception of Emiks who's done the puzzle before, ahahah.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Eat my dust, shorties!

Oh yeah, guess who went for a physical for the first time in...probably over 10 years! Moi! My doctor isn't that bad. He didn't wheel away from me today, AND he said (and this is a DIRECT quote), "You're pretty tall." OHHHHHHHhh YEAAAAAAAAAAAH. Eat my dust, shorties. I'm a smidgen shy of 5' 6", that's RIGHT. I'm so proud of myself, ahahahaa.

I was actually really still stressed out and they took an ECG, so I was worried that this like, chest tightness from stress would make my heartbeat all irregular. I think my psychological problems are always reflected in the physical for me, especially stress stress stress. And I'm still stressed. Chest tightness makes me feel like I can't breathe very well. This is really really not good.

NO, stop it stop it

Blogger is being dumb, I don't want to figure out what part of my formatting is going wonky, because my text isn't wrapping properly, but no no no, it's just another thing for my brain to figure out, so I'm going to ignore it, and if someone knows what in the world is wrong and can tell me how to fix it I would be super-relieved and grateful.

P.S. Matt, I'm going laptop shopping...ready, guru?

Brain mush

My brain feels like it has too much to think about, too much to process and too much to figure out.

But I guess confuzzled-ness is good, because I'll appreciate the clarity of just having truth when we get to heaven. Imagine, not having to figure out another thing, ever!

I pray for the day when I can escape the brain mush.

Thank goodness He is a solid rock, and when everything around is hazy, I can always find my way and cling to that Solid Rock.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Practicing what you preach...

On Sunday, our Sunday school lesson was on gossip. The main principle of the whole thing was that everything we say should be useful or helpful or encouraging. Gossip and talking behind other's backs are baaaaad.

And of course right after we do this lesson, I've been totally challenged to want to blab about things that annoy me about certain ppl. Sigh. This blog is especially bad, because it makes it easy to talk about people without really talking about people, and there's really no one to stop me. Except me. So here I am. I'm being challenged.

And all I will say is that God is certainly teaching me patience right now. AHahaha, and don't worry, it's not any of you that are reading this blog! Ahahahaha. Oh man.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. - Ephesians 4:29

Monday, June 20, 2005

Starbucks wisdom...

"Do not kiss your children so they will kiss you back but so they will kiss their children, and their children's children." - Noah benShea


I've been thinking about breathing lately.

It's so essential to living, speaking, singing...everything!

My grandmother was fast asleep the other day, and I could hear her snoring in the hall. Ahahaha, at first, snoring is annoying, but I thought about it, and it's nice to know she's resting and fast asleep. In fact, my dad is passed out on his bed snoring up a storm at the moment. Snoring = People getting rest, being relaxed, not having a care in the world. I remember when I baby-sat the cutest little boy, too, and he fell asleep while I was holding him, and I could feel him breathing next to me...there's something so peaceful about feeling someone breathing, especially when they're fast asleep.

Apparently, breathing exercises are important, too. Strengthening the diaphragm = better singing and speaking. That's gotta be one step closer to better communication, so breathing = communication, too! Should I explain some breathing exercises? Okay!

THe Tsss exercise!
1) Lie down on the floor on your back.
2) put a book on your diaphragm (right under your ribcage) so you can feel your breathing.
3) Place one hand on the book to feel the breathing. Feel the breathing.
4) Practice taking breaths through your nosie without moving your chest. Use your diaphragm! If your chest moves you're doing it wrong. But don't worry, I do it wrong, ahahahah. Just practice. Are you feeling the breathing?
5) Once you get good at that, you can breathe out through your teeth, making a "Tsss" sound as you exhale. Remember, don't move that chest. And feel the breathing.
6) My "Tsss" always manages to turn into a giggle and then just outright laughing, but that's okay, too. I think laughing is good exercise too.

Okay, so I expect that you will all be great diaphragm-breathers next time I see y'all!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

I'm okay guys, I'm okay

Today was one big giant stressful day of days. But it's okay, I have emerged un-scathed, with only maybe 2 bruises to my name.

Aw, look at my poor baby...all rusty, with t-shirts covering the seats (this is SUCH a japanese thing, ahahaha, care of my mother).

I don't drive my '88 Civic out of my neighbourhood usually because 1) it's standard transmission; 2) it's OLD and I'm always afraid it'll fall apart. But today, of all days, I was lazy, didn't want to take public transit all the way to Scarberia, so I drove the Civic! And I survived! Three cheers for me! Actually, I really really really like driving standard. It was fun. Not fun to roll backwards on a hill, but other than that, I didn't stall, didn't shoot out, and came home aliiiiive!

So driving to our softball game I had lots of stress with the car, and then I was so stressed during the game. I did not catch ANYTHING cleanly. I stopped things with my foot, though, twice with the same ankle (must get ice, and I'll post a pic of the lovely bruise I'm sure I'll have later), dropped things, over-ran bases and then tried to crawl back, was stressful, and I should not be playing softball. But it was fun!

And then driving home I thought I'd be stressed out still, but it was okay! I love driving standard now, it's so fun! If my car wasn't so old and rickety, I think I'd drive more often! I should name my car. Blue Rusty?

Friday, June 17, 2005


Yay, so I'm going to a wedding on July 23rd! My 2nd real friend wedding! Gah, it's happening, I'll get back next year and there'll be a million zillion weddings to go to! But I love the excitement of weddings, especially when it's so focused on the Lord!

And because I'm all about quotes lately, here are some on marriage!

A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences. -Dave Meurer, "Daze of Our Wives"

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. - Mignon McLaughlin

Compromise, if not the spice of life, is its solidity. It is what makes nations great and marriages happy. - Phyllis McGinley

Give all to love; obey thy heart. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)

To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven. -Karen Sunde

Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit. - Peter Ustinov (1921 - 2004)

Right so that's that. Mushiness out of my system. Ahahahaha.

Other than that, nothing is new with me except for this one big decision I have to make by next Friday, so if you can keep me in your prayers, that would be excellently excellent! And I'd also love prayer for my support-raising, but more importantly, for a fun team. I keep forgetting to pray for a fun team, but it's SO IMPORTANT!! Ahahahaha. But no, really, it is.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. - Romans 12:1,2
Lord, help me to worship you continually, and in doing so, to be transformed, and to know Your heart...

Excellent movie quotes

"We don't read and write poetry because its cute, we read and write poetry because we are members of the human race, and the human race is filled with passion."- Dead poets Society

"No matter what anybody tells you - Words and ideas can change the world."- Dead poets Society

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return"- Moulin Rouge

"Sometimes we don't see certain things until we're ready to see them, in a certain way." - Keeping the Faith

"Never mind favourites, you're allowed to have one. The point is, you've been mine." - Meet Joe Black (and really, if I could post every word of this movie in here, I would, ahahahah)

And a most excellent non-movie quote, Jesus response to what the greatest commandment was:

"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." Mark 12:30

Random things I forgot about!

My mission lately has been finishing this crazy 1000 piece puzzle. This is what we've done so far.

The rest is all blue and white. Blue and white.

And more blue and white. This is going to be IMPOSSIBLE!

I keep teasing Quang for buying the most impossible puzzle in the world. I told him it's up to him to finish it. We did the easy coloured part a couple days ago, ahahahaha.

And the other thing I forgot was congrats to Kevin S. (ahahah, should make that distinction so you don't freak out on Kev U.!) on getting ENGAGED! Ahahaha, so funny, I ask how it happened (they've been going out for a couple years now), and he was like, "Oh, last Saturday, I woke up around 9:30, bought the ring around 11:30, asked my parents around 1pm, and then her parents around 3pm, and then at 9:45pm, after we finished dancing to Amanda Marshall's 'Marry Me', I proposed."

Ahahahaha, talk about not planning ahead! They'll be engaged for 2 years, though, ahaha, but I thought it was the funniest story. Yay, congrats Kev!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Still up...

Michelle, it's stinking late and you're STILL typing?!?!


Something one of the ladies said in our small group today stayed with me:

"Sorrow is looking back, worry is looking around and faith is looking up."

I think these women teach me so much about having faith, and as we were praying today, it was amazing...I just thought to myself, I love loving the Lord. I love that He loves me with a passionate, fiery love. He's so great, and to think that I get to spend all eternity getting to know Him and spending time with Him...crazy cool, ahhaha, for lack of better words. We were praying prayers of praise and thanksgiving, and it just brought tears to my eyes to hear how the other women thanked Him for amazing work in their lives. He works, He really just does.

It's funny how I really like words, and lyrics to songs. People will comment on the music, the guitar, the bass line, but I remember ridiculous amounts of song lyrics, and I love good dialogue. Meet Joe Black has such great dialogue! (it's so sad how so very few ppl appreciate this movie, ahahahaha) I think after seeing it so many times, I appreciate more of the subtleties of the movie and the oh-so-funny quirks! Joe eating peanut butter, Joe tying a tie/not tying his tie. So funny! I think my all-time favourite line is the part where he says to Susan, "Because I like you so much," outside the coffee shop. And then she says something, and then says, "Because I like you so much," and laughs because it was so corny. But it was so great (maybe I think that because I'm a big cornball)! That scene is so amazing, as is Anthony Hopkins talking to his daughter in the beginning, about lightning striking, and being deliriously happy. He's talking about finding a guy, but really, what makes me deliriously happy is that God loves me, and that I can love Him. That's making me deliriously happy right now. :)


I love my bananas!

For the record, when we had that sushi-eating contest, there was a tornado-warning in effect for Southern Ontario! WE WERE DRIVING AROUND IN THE MIDDLE OF A TORNADO WARNING!!! I thought it was leftovers of some tropical storm. But I learned some good tornado-survival skills tonight:

1) If you're in your house and a tornado comes, go to your cold cellar or to the SW corner of your basement.
2) If you're in your car and a tornado comes, get out of the car and find a ditch.
3) Green sky=tornado is coming
4) Tornados do not equal Oz.

But I'm glad for all that rain. It was fun to get totally soaked running from the car to the house, barefoot. I saw some people walking home in the rain, and they were soaked to the bone. It's fun to walk in the rain once you're totally wet because then you don't have to worry about staying dry. And dancing in the rain must be doubly, no, triply as fun!

The rain brought cooler weather, and tonight with all the wind in the trees, I just get this feeling of anticipation. Everyday is a new day, with a hope of new possibilities, and I just love how this kind of weather brings that sort of feeling for me. I think I always feel like this when I'm in a foreign city on a nice night, or when you look on a skyline of a city, or you hear that wind rustle through the trees. I wonder if they have this kinda wind in Asia? Or maybe it's just hot all the time. ;)

And Rach, you're right, it stinks that we're all techy communication people. Ahahaha, but I had to blog because no one is up at this time to talk to, booo. So I'll simply talk to myself through my blog! Well, Michelle, you know you keep on staying up late for absolutely no reason, right?


So then go to bed.

But I don't want to.

Why not?

Eh. Just because.

You know you're talking to yourself on your blog, right?

Hm. Is that weird? I talk to myself out loud in my car. Sometimes I even scream or yell.

You DO? Weirdo.

AHAhahahahah, I AM I AM A WEIRDO, make me stop being so weird, oh man. Alrighty folks, I apologize for rambling blogs, but hey, that's what they're for, right? And if you're still reading, that means people actually READ these things. Which gives it purpose, don't you think? ;)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Bananas Ultimate Eating Championship

Here are the two competitors, Carol in the left corner, and Nels in the right. Carol has some moral support in the background, but I have no idea what he's doing...

I can't believe Hosu is really all-you-can-eat ANYTHING!

Matt's tallying what they're eating...(hehehe, nerd!) ;)

And I know you all want to know who won!

Nelson is the "big yellow juggernat", while Carol is the sane one who can control her eating habits! Ahahaha, nice job Nels and Carol! I really thought Carol could pull it off and come in from behind, but alas, she has too much common sense and cares about her health enough to put a stop to eating madness.

Congrats Nels!