Saturday, June 24, 2006

Multiplying WHAT?

I met with one of the girls I’ve discipled over the year for the last time today. It was bittersweet. There was a hilarious moment, however, when she talked about my influence on her. She talked about how I had influenced her in many ways, and how her friends said that she was becoming more like me in every way….especially with messy hair!!!! Gah! I looked at her and smoothed my (messy) hair and laughed while gasping about what a horrendous thing that was to multiply. Ahahahahaha.

Note to self: comb hair once in a while.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Quotes from the weekend

"Eating donkey must be good for your skin. You don't see any donkeys with bad skin, do you?" K-man

"Sharing the gospel was my hobby, but now it's my major." -Fireseed

And for the cheesiness factor:
In response to the question posed by Tim-tam ("If you had to torture a farm animal for information, which farm animal would you choose?")

"A pig, because it would squeal."
"A cow, because you could milk it for information."
Hmmm...and the others seem to have slipped my mind. Believe me when I say it was 5 minutes of pure cheese while we spewed these babies out.