Saturday, February 05, 2011

Mii fit!

So I am obviously failing at blog-posting.

And I could make a vow here again to post more often.

But, let's face it, I would probably fail.

Nonetheless, I press on. I'm going to let you in on the inner workings of "Trying-to-build-muscle-but-miserably-failing-Michelle".

Lately, my only motivation for many things has been my future children. No, I'm not pregnant, but we'd like to have kids soon, so in preparation, I have started to do the following things:

1) Take ridiculously large pre-natal vitamins each day (at least they're pink. I think it makes them more attractive to swallow.)
2) Do some form of physical exercise each day

Literally, the only thing that motivates me to exercise is a scary friend yelling at me to, or our Future Unborn Child (oh, was just about to shorten that to an acronym and realized it might not be that appropriate). Oh, or trying not to be shown up by the grandma walking on the treadmill beside me (more on this later).

Just so you understand the full extent of how much I really really really hate working out, this was my internal and external dialogue with a friend.

Me: So, I ran (and by run, I mean jog...or, well, a really fast walk) for 30 mins each the last 2 days. Do I need to run again today?
Inner dialogue: Twice in one week is the most I've run in 5 years. Gimme a break.
Trainer: You can run everyday if you want to.
Me: Oh, but you know, my leg muscles hurt. Shouldn't I rest them, you know, to prevent injury?
Trainer: It should be okay.
Me: Okay, but my leg muscles hurt. Are you sure this is okay?
Inner dialogue: Please just tell me I don't have to run. I am obviously not asking you about running because I want to do it.
Trainer: Okay, fine, run for 10 minutes and then if your muscles still hurt after that, stop. But it should be okay.
Me: That sounds great, I will definitely run.
Inner dialogue: My muscles better still hurt after 10 minutes. They are TOTALLY going to hurt. And I am going to stop running.

You know, I ended up running for 15 minutes, even though my muscles hurt. When I walked into the gym, there was a grandma on the first treadmill, and after 10 minutes, she was still there. I was not about to let her show me up. Plus she would know how out of shape I was if I got off after 10 minutes. So, I kept running, pretending to be all fit, and THANK GOODNESS she left after 15 minutes.

Oh yeah, I am so fit.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

And she's back!


Three years. It's been a long time, blog.

Things have changed a LOT since I last posted. Marriage. Moving. Job.

I've also stopped writing in my journal as often, so I think this is the next best thing. I type faster than I write, anyway.

I really don't think anyone's out there reading this anymore, but that's okay. I think this is more for my own "verbal" processing.

I think my first official blog will be about my vacaciones in Argentina.

Stay tuned!