Wednesday, March 30, 2005

To Mr. Grumpy

We love you and we're praying for you and your family.

Take my hand and walk with me a while
Cause it seems your smile has left you
And don't give in, when you fall apart
And your broken heart has failed you
I'll set a light up
On a hillltop
To show you my love
For this world to see

You can borrow mine
When your hope is gone
Borrow mine
When you can't go on
Cause the world will not defeat you
When we're side by side
When your faith is hard to find
You can borrow mine

- Borrow Mine, Bebo Norman

Chasing away the dark...

I was up this morning and saw the sun come up. I love watching the sunrise, although it never seems to happen at retreat! ;)

I'm also never up for the sunrise unless I'm finishing an assignment last-minute. Sigh. Alright, I'm going back to work.

P.S. Where can I get a cheap laptop?

LOVE this feeling!!!

I think the weather change is making me super-happy. I was waiting outside for my sister to pick me up, and it was just the best feeling...this in-between winter and spring when things are starting to warm up, but it's still kinda chilly! Ahahaha, Ange, I totally agree with you...I love the weather right now.

On the flipside, York is absolutely the most funny place when it comes to getting warm. I mean, it's not like some gals have an abundance of clothes on in the first place, even in the winter, but there were SO many people walking around today in sandals! There are STILL piles of SNOW on the ground, people! (ahahah, okay, I'm secretly jealous because I LOVE sandals and all I want to do right now is wear sandals!)

Okay, I'm SO NOT supposed to be blogging right now. Must get back to the billion-page paper.

But before I forget, other random things I need to blog about...
Lynn, congrats on getting baptised! :)
Wombats being the cutest animals on earth. I may have already blogged about this one. Ahahaha.
Weird and creepy window/door man
Singleness and complaining (stop it YOU!)
How I love the YP!!!! LOVE YOU GUYS! Muwah! AHahahaha.
Not being allowed on MSN till April 7th unless it's an emergency like right now when I have to talk to Nancy because we're both procrastinating at procrastination station.
My sister and her bf joining softball!
Me, my mom and the AGOJC (silly thing). But there's good news!
More fun animal facts.

Okay, I'm wasting time. This paper is NOT going to write itself. I wish oh I wish, but it won't.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Lion King it up!

So after a lot of firsthand research, I have decided that all animals should be named after their Disney counterparts. For example, all lions would be Simbas, those monkeys would be Rafikis, all clown fish would be Nemos, all warthogs Pumbas, all scary octopi would be Ursulas, and so on... You KNOW that would make things a lot less complicated, come on!

And note to self: Stop acting so weird and stop saying things like, "I'm a cheetah!" out loud.

Note to self: Stop making notes to self.

SO sleepy, more of an update to come.

Monday, March 28, 2005

New Necklace + 2 blog entries EATEN!

Image hosted by Photobucket.comMy new necklace from the One of a Kind Craft Show!!!! So exciting. I love it love it love it!!! Check out our antics Part I and Part II. Naoms, you are the funnest and the funniest!

Stay tuned for a re-write of the eaten blog entries. Get ready for the Where to Pee story from a Boy Scout camp and the Michelle is a klutz story #526 from the Craft show.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Good Friday

Today was my productive day at work, making cityscapes with kids!
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There's Only One (Holy One)

Left his seamless robe behind
Woke up in a stable crying
Lived and died and rose again
Saviour for a guilty land

It's a story like a children's tune
And it's grown familiar as the moon
So now I ride my camel high
And I'm aiming for the needle's eye

I chased the wind, but I chased in vain
I chased the earth, but it would not sustain

There's only one who never fails
To beckon the morning light
There's only one who sets loose the gale
And ties the trees down tight
When all around my soul gives way
He is all my hope and stay
There's only one, only one Holy One

Lord, You are my Prince of Peace
But this war brings me to my knees
See there's a table You've prepared
And all my enemies are there
But where my Shepherd leads
Where else can I go?
Who else fills my cup till it overflows?

There's only one who never fails
To beckon the morning light
There's only one who sets loose the gales
And ties the trees down tight
To the Solid Rock I fly
Though He bids come and die
There's only one, only one Holy One

-Caedmon's Call

Friday, March 25, 2005

Pictures galore

Finally. Pictures. I hate img src-ing.

Anyway, this is what I'm excited about for Saturday:
Image hosted by

And then this is my handiwork so far (and I'm on my addictive!):
Image hosted by Image hosted by

And we won't talk about the billionth teenybopper flick I checked out today, or how it stars some pop boys, or how I secretly really like the soundtrack, or how it was semi-ridiculous but semi-cute. In a very very semi way.

Thursday, March 24, 2005


Haha, so I've been in this computer lab for maybe 10 minutes, but the entire time, the girl sitting in the row in front of me has been asleep. Or at least my Sherlock Holmes detective skills tell me she is. (what is so hilarious is that as I'm thinking of what to type, I'm whispering to myself in my head, you know, because this girl is sleeeeeeeping...shhhh)

Clue #1: She's sitting, and her screen is on screensaver.
Clue #2: She hasn't moved in the past 10 minutes or typed or ANYTHING.
Clue #3: She moved for a bit to move her mouse and is now surfing the net, but has not scrolled down for a further couple of minutes. There is NO way she reads that slow.
Clue #4 (update): Her face is now plastered onto the desk in front of her. I should tell her the library is more comfy.

Call me Detective Michelle. But really, WHO sleeps in a computer lab? Is it relaxing? Wait, I slept at Pac Mall the other day. And I'm planning on maybe trying to catch a couple winks at the Craft Show. So talk about pot calling the kettle black.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

3rd post - Bittersweet symphony

I cried at school today! I was a sniffling, watery-eyed, runny-nosed mess! One of the gals I meet with at school weekly is leaving next Thursday and we were de-briefing about our time at York, and over the past year. I thought graduating would be a big relief, and in some ways it is, but I'm going to miss people way too much.

I can't even imagine what it'll be like at the airport in August. Bring a whole box of tissues for me.

I really need to stop posting so stinking frequently.

P.S. Ohhh, Naom's I'm SOOOOOOOO excited for the craft show Saturday! I'm looking for funky jewellery!
P.P.S. I think the team name should be the Onigiris. AHAHAHahahaha.
P.P.P.S. Welcome to the world of blogging, Emiks!!!!!!! :)

Peeling is almost as fun as knitting...

Gah! My manicure is growing out already and I "accidentally" on purpose peeled some of it off. Oh, so addictive. I wonder if it's as fun as biting your nails? It's almost as fun as knitting, that's for sure. Oh dear. Any bets for how long I can stand my nails not being able to breathe through layers of nail polish?


Oh, and Howard Day's Collide is my new replacement for Buble's Home. Is it pronounced Bubble? Or Bublay? Or Bobble? Or Booble? Or Boobliay?

(this is what happens when I post from school during a moment of sheer rebellion against doing work)

Do you know Alan?

Does anyone know a Chinese Alan who goes to York (3rd year) and does club promos? I met him today and I remember him from somewhere but it's driving me nuts as to where I know him from. One of you must know him, because he's not my friend, so I must've met him through someone! WHOOOO is he??? Or maybe I met him in one of my classes, which I doubt because I don't like making friends in classes. Ahahahaha.

Do you know Alan?

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Weak forearms

I was wondering why my forearms hurt today...and then I looked down at my knitting needles... Apparently, I have weak forearms, because moving knitting needles is a workout for them! Gah.

I had a mortifyingly embarassing moment at school today. I hate those moments that you end up dwelling on them over and over and over and you slap your head and talk out loud about it randomly...

I think softball could end up being a continuous embarassing moment.

I think my biggest fear besides having a papercut or some kind of cut on my eyeball, is getting my fingers stuck in a bowling ball.

Addicted to knitting

I've found my new favourite thing to do. Knitting. Me + yarn + knitting needles = hours of endless fun. I totally walked around York, knitting all the while. I got some looks, I think, but I was too busy knitting to notice. Ahahahaha.

So my weirdness has multiplied by a factor of a billion lately. I think maybe it's because I hang out with the youth so much. Yeah, that's it. But it's okay. I have been reassured:
"It's okee michelle. being weird is all part of who you are and if ppl can't appreciate you for who you are then they're the ones who are really weird." Yeah, so there. Ahahahahaha. Raaaaaaaight.

Apparently, my brand of weirdness is "too potent" to be measured on a regular scale. Ahahahaha. Call me "La Potente". AHAHAHAHAHaha. Okay, I know that's not funny, but really, imagine me coming up to you and saying, "Hey, call me La Potente." Right? Funny!

Alright, back to knitting. I'm almost done my very first square! We won't talk about the stitches I've dropped or how the sides are slightly squiggly, or how I didn't follow a pattern so it looks like yellow, turquoise and purple mush, or how my friend that I worked with did some of it today, or how it's not EXACTLY 8". Let's go back to how I love knitting and it's my new favourite hobby and how I'm 82 years old.

Monday, March 21, 2005


Last night I got home and my sister was on the phone with her bf. I strode confidently into her room and proceeded to do the running man to her Lifehouse CD. I'm SOOO attractive. Anyway, she tells her bf that I am now doing the world's MOST attractive dance, and I proceed to challenge him to a dancing competition. Apparently he agrees. I tell him to bring it. My sister asks if he's going to go practice. Apparently he says he doesn't neeeeeed practice. Oooooh. Mr. Big-I-Don't-Need-Practice-because-I'm-a-fantastic-dancer man. AHahahah. Cue fundy dance. Cue complaining about bad dancing. And fade to black. Welcome to my world of cheesy not-so-secret competitions. All judging is subjective.

Oh, my 40 days of Purpose youth totally made the leaders the cutest little scrapbook ever, and they all signed it. It was so great! Almost made me cry.

I watched What a Girl Wants today. Prototypical teeny-bopper flick, but AWESOME soundtrack. Plus that guy can sing. Goood music times.
Memorable moments:
"I love you a million Swedish berries" and "I love you a million red M&M's"
something about "poo spread on toast" (am I obsessed with poo and farting??)
"That is the cutest Gucci tartan!" (insert rolling of eyes here)
Colin Firth dancing around in leather pants. Leather pants should be illegal. YES, that's right. Wear leather pants over my dead body chained to the doors of Danier Leather. Ahahahaha.

And I'm on my way with square number one for the blanketeers blanket. Do you knit or crochet? make an 8"x8" square and you can join, too! So much fun. So distracting. Join!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

A day at the spa?

I had my very first manicure yesterday. Let me just tell you that I'm the most awkward person at a spa. I just am SO not made for high-maintenance girliness. Plus, maintaining nice nails is WAY too difficult. I messed up one of the nails WHILE she was doing the manicure. And then I nicked another one right after. Oh well. Ahahahaha. In an attempt to keep them in good condition, I refused to take out credit cards from my wallet, put on my watch...and I'm sure some other dumb things. Plus, I've noticed it is very difficult to zip and unzip zippers with nice nails. Ahahahaha. They're surviving okay, but I don't know if I like them. I can feel the polish, plus they look really fakey fakey fake.
In random news, today, I remembered that I showered with poo once. Not mine. Mystery poo. EW.
I'm so attractive, I know.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Don't settle...

"It is better to be alone and single, than to be alone and married."

- wise words from the relationships talk today...don't settle.

And no more Mary! Lynn!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Flower the skunk!

Last Saturday, I met Flower the skunk again. She's SUCH a cutie! This skunk is pretty puny, and she had epilepsy. She used to go unconscious during her seizures and spray uncontrollably. Awwww. Anyway, they ended up de-scenting her, but she eventually got better from her epilepsy. She was SO cute, and I'll post pics later. I also met a cutie patootie porcupine, who makes the cutest noises as it eats. Aww, cute wild animals.

Oh man, that was such a girly entry just now. "Aw, cute animals, aw!"

Monday, March 14, 2005

Sleepy McSleepypants = random entry

I am Sleepy McSleepypants. Why? Well, I never get sleep on Sunday nights because I'm always planning for teaching on Monday. On Saturday tho, my sister got home close to 4am, so I was up till that time. At least she'll never keep her cell on silent again after that. My mom ended up waking up halfway thru the night and decided she would stay downstairs with me. Anyhoo, the whole point is that I have a headache and am very disoriented at the moment.

Guess who learned the 1,2 step? AHAHAHAHahahaah. I like to think I did. People who have seen me do it seem to disagree...what is up with that??

You know the scary thing is that I used to just PRETEND to dance weirdly...but I think now I really just dance that way normally. Hmmm...

I asked my sister today if I acted like Natalie Portman's character in Garden State, and she didn't answer. She laughed. I think that means yes. Except I'm not a liar. But I'm totally equally as weird and awkward. I'm pre-in-love Natalie Portman's character. She gets cooler once she's all in love. Ahahaha, I'm definitely not that suave.

You know what I really like? Thoughtful, clean, people. You know what annoys me? Unthoughtful, messy people who don't clean up after themselves. It's really NOT that hard. Why make life harder for the poor cleaning ppl??

Yay, 40 Days of Purpose campaign is over! It was fun times, but I'm glad that workload is finito. I can't believe people work so hard at our church. We still have those darn-tootin' bags of candy left!! We forgot to give them out.

Hey, relationship talk at CCC this THursday! It's really good! Wanna come?? Come! Apparently we can never talk about it enough!

I also learned to batik today, which is uber-fun. I forgot about how slow I am at art. I was dubbed "perfectionist" for taking too long. Excuuuuse me if I like my artwork to look good. Ahahahahaha. Oh man.

There's some bakery named Chocolat or something like that that sells the most DECADENT and DELISH chocolate cake. It was my host teacher's b-day yesterday, so she brought some in. Yay for sugar!

My sister gave me her free manicure so I'm going first ever manicure ever! Doesn't it figure tho that the week I have a manicure, I keep snagging my nails, left, right and centre?! Man, having nice nails is WAY too high-maintenance.

That's it. Did I talk about enough topics randomly?

P.S. My car smelled like pizza yesterday. Eleven pizzas is a LOT of pizzas.
P.P.S. I think my weirdness level is correlated to lack of's at an all-time high right now. Do you want to know me? Hahaha, I'm entertaining at least!
P.P.P.S. I am totally losing my voice, and this getting-better-from-a-cold-competition. Booo.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Snow jobbing fun

I got thrown in the snow twice again today. I put up a good fight. Or so I'd like to believe.

AHahahah, snow fights are the funnest! Commando in the snow is a close 2nd. I love my kids, they're so fun fun fun! Oh, and I'd like to report that my aim is getting better. Plan Snow Job Kevin 1.0 worked really well. He was covered! ;) I am also proud to say I smushed snow in Ken's hair as he dumped me in the snow.

Note to self: bulk up more to a) be heavier and harder to lift; b) be stronger to get other ppl in the snow.

On a more serious note, WHERE IS MY SISTER??? I feel like such a nag, calling her repeatedly on her cell. I would simply like to know where she is. This is what it's like to be a parent. I don't like not knowing where ppl are. She went down to see Mysteriously Yours (okay, PLEASE, SOMEONE, we HAVE to do this this summer before I leave!) dinner theatre, and came back on the FINCH BUS. They were supposed to get off at his stop and then he was going to drive her home...and that was a billion hours ago when I talked to her around 11pm. So where oh where has my sistaaaaaaaaaair gone, oh where oh where can she beeeeeeeee? I'm sure they're at some coffee shop talking or something, while I freak out at home. I'm SO tempted to wait up...shall I? I think I shall. Perhaps I'll pop in Garden State and wait.

Well, anyhoo, tune in tmw to see what happened!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

A list of funny things that no one else will think is funny

Or the list I make when I'm procrastinating.

1. The phrase, "fire under its bum". Ex. Can't think of an example, but it made me laugh.
2. Wearing bunny ears in the car today. I really did. My sister's bf thinks I'm crazy. And I am.
3. Ryan Cabrera looks like a troll.
4. The word of the day is fart (because I really am in grade 5).
5. A funny joke I heard today:
A pastor is kneeling at the altar, praying. His son comes up to him and asks what he's doing every week when he kneels. The Pastor says, "I'm praying for my sermon today, that God will make it a good one." Then the child asks, "Then why doesn't He?" AHAHAHAHAHahaha. Oh man.
6. Joanne's blog entry with that little kid doing the Calvin impressions! (Kenj, you have to see it, you'll love it!)
7. Me saying "EWWWWWWWWWWW" in the library really loud when my friend said my sister touched her bf's arm. Ahahaha. Way to be mature, Michelle.

See, none of those things is REALLY funny. WHY do I laugh at EVERYTHING??

Finally found it!

I'm not really sure where I remember this poem from, although I have a sneaking suspicion it may have been in a Sweet Valley High book I read once, and I only ever remembered it said, "my sudden angel" in it. Anyway, I searched for it years ago, pre-google, but now it's found! Wasn't as great as I remember it, but still nice. I can't believe I remembered it all these years. Ahahaha, the things that stay with you from those Sweet Valley high books, hey?

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Cold Mountain

Oh, sad chick flicks...aie. I didn't cry as much as I thought I would. Actually, come to think of it, I'm not exactly sure I enjoyed the plot line. I liked the cinematography and LOVED the soundtrack, and Renee Zellweger's character. But eh, not crazy about the plot. I think maybe because it was a darker movie.

Best part? Ruby complaining about hearing the two lovebirds go on about all their moments together being like a sack of diamonds. Ahahahaha.

In competition news, the snow is melting, so no more snowjob competitions, I think. Now it's "Who can get better from their cold the fastest" time. Ahahahaha. I'm going to bed early. I hope I win.

Reassuring words...

I Am, by Jill Phillips
Oh gently lay your head
Upon my chest
And I will comfort you
Like a mother while you rest
The tide can change so fast,
But I will stay
The same through the past,
The same in future, same today

I am constant;
I am near
I am peace that shatters all your secret fears
I am holy;
I am wise
I'm the only one who knows your heart's desires
Your heart's desires

Oh weary, tired and worn,
Let out your sighs
And drop that heavy load you hold
Cause Mine is light
I know you through and through;
There's no need to hide
I want to show you love
That is deep and high and wide

Oh gently lay your head
Upon my chest
And I will comfort you
Like a mother while you rest

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

a food-filled day

Yummy food. What I consumed today: some wraps, a sandwich, a slice or tiramisu, cheese, fruit, crackers, caramel apple cider from Starbucks (Yum, Carol!), Spicy Doritos, garlic shrimp, fried beef something or other, mango chicken. Yum, food!

I wore heels this entire day but am so much more tired than usual. I think walking around a mall will do it for ya. Yay for mom's foot massages!

I think today I really proved my klutziness. The proof:
1) at the funeral home, I was holding a cup of water and some books in one hand. I turned my hand to get a paper or something, and proceeded to tip my hand so the water fully spilled all over the carpet.
2) almost tripping over a girl in a stroller at the mall. I think I have tunnel vision.
3) almost knocking over a stack of shoeboxes in Sport Chek.
4) tripping slightly over a carpet in Harry Rosen.

I think I need to go to finishing school to learn to be a lady, all prim and proper, because I'm totally failing at the moment.

I also had dinner with my sister and her NEW BOYFRIEND. Yes, that's right. THis morning, she was taking so long to get ready, so I walked into her room and said, "What's going on, are you worried about impressing this boy? Is that why you're primping for so long?" to which she replies, "Yes," and I laugh. At the moment, she was wearing a t-shirt, sweatshirt and pants. And I said, "Yeah, it's probably good to look good cuz he's so preppy," and she freaked out and was like, "Is this outfit okay??" I told her it wasn't very preppy, so she panicked and went to change. She was like, "I never worried about how I looked till you brought it up!" AHahaha. Anyway, so later on, we went to dinner. He's a nice guy. Actually, he's quite funny, but I can't remember some of the funny things he said. But funniness is uber-important, so CHECK! And he held the door open for us, which is super-uber good. I enjoy when guys are chivalrous. So what's that, like 10 more points? Sure. Ahahhaah, as if it matters now.

Man, there's so much other stuff that happened today, but I will amuse you with the fact that Chika is the nose-blowing EXPERT. I'm not kidding. Need nose-blowing tips? Go to him. AHahaha.

Also, funny older ladies from church who live through younger ppl, I'm convinced ahahaha.

And, me talking to my nose (in my head) telling it to unclog. Hmm...but honestly, I feel like my nose is directly connected to my brain, and when it's plugged, my brain doesn't really function. Does that explain klutziness today?

And me liking dance music beats! I know, who would've thought...but David Crowder Band (Sunsets and Sushi album) is awesome! Mike, you should check it out, my dance-loving friend. I was totally head-bopping in the car today!

Monday, March 07, 2005

Sunday, March 06, 2005


As I was driving home today, there was a big situation on the 401 by the DVP and it was just described as a "serious situation" on the radio. I really had no idea how serious. I'm so shocked at it all right now, I guess. Thank God the girl survived. It must have just happened when we's numbing hearing the news. I wonder what it must be like to have absolutely no hope, not to cherish life or have no reason for living...
May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD , even as we put our hope in
Psalm 33:22
I'm not sure what else to say...


No more popcorn, no more fairs,
No more packaging prize wares.

No more tables, no more signs,
No more setting up, no more lines.

WE ARE DONE! I'm tired. Thanks for being so awesome, Naomi!!!!! The Tyndale lady said she LOVED our missions fair, and I was like, "You DID?" So apparently it went okay. I'm just glad it's over. No more painting signs, wooooo hooo! And no more extreme setting up. I tend to go a little (yeah, just a LITTLE) loopy when cooped up at the JCCC for hours with too much sugar.

And to relieve all the built-up tension, there was a good shopping trip today to the mall. Crowded malls make me cranky and tired, though.

Yay for today's service! Nice job, metro-man, with the slideshow and worship. I know a couple people said they were really touched by the worship! :)

Sigh, funeral on Tuesday. The thing about death is that it makes you appreciate life.

I talk to myself a lot.

Me: Go straight, pretty turquoise bowling ball.
Bowling ball: NO!
Me: Come on, I got a spare last frame, I need a good one this time.
Bowling ball: NO!

And you know of course that bowling balls don't talk, so the above conversation was really just with myself. I did bowl over/near 100 3/4 of the time today. Be proud, I know! I was actually bowling STRAIGHT! It seems to be very key to be able to aim at the pins. Hmm.

Then later I talked to myself while filling up gas. "Why is it not accepting my CAA card? Do I have to prepay?" Except I talk out LOUD. I knocked in the window to ask Kenji his opinion on whether or not I should fill-up, and talked really loud through the window. Apparently lots of people turned to look at me. Note to self: Must stop being weird.

I had too much sugar today. There were some funny antics - Peter in a "hair net", trying to make up the missions cheer for tmw...along with the actions. And, me on too much sugar, which basically ends up being me laughing at everything. And finally, the creation of Metro-Man. He's metrosexual, fashionista, cook and smells good, too! His special power? He can stop fashion disasters from occurring in a single bound! What does he wear? A sheer shirt with sequin M. Guess who it is!!!

Songs I like right now, all based on recommendations: Michael Buble - Home, Jason Wade - You Belong to me (are you ready for a serenade, Naomi!?), Charlie Hall - Salvation, David Crowder Band - Open Skies

Oh, and I didn't tell you about my FANTASTIC shopping deals at Speelman's. Five CDs for $10 baby! I know, eat my money-saving dust! Plus, $3 Relient K CD, and $4 and $5 hardcover books!

Saturday, March 05, 2005

MINUS 10 POINTS!!!!!!!!

He's down another 10 points. And it's not even wholly his fault. It's just the whole situation.

Let me explain. Guys, if you ever go out with a girl and her older sister has requested the car for a certain time, you'd better bust your butt to make her get home in time or you'll be hated by said older sister. And by older sister, I mean me. And by "Guys" I mean my sister's new man. She was 40 minutes late today, getting home. The best part was that she called me as she was driving and apologized and said, "Okay, I'm coming, I'm there." Now WHAT does "there" mean to you? "There" to me means, "I'm on the corner, and I'll be there in 2 seconds (i.e. less than a minute)." NOoooooooooo, "there" according to my sister's timing means 5 minutes away. That's SO NOT "THERE"!!! Anyway, so he loses points, but it's really my sister's fault.

Now, the unfortunate thing is that this whole situation would probably have been worth -5, had I not found out right before my sister was expected home that my Bible has probably been RECYCLED. This is a point of frustration in my life. Well, actually, a couple things are. 1) My dad's way of cleaning is to shove everything into a bag and stash it in my room or my sister's room; 2) My dad NEVER remembers where he put ANYTHING 3) My dad doesn't CARE where he put anything 4) He put my Bible in a paper bag by the newspaper recycling 5) Recycling went out Wed.

GAAaaaaaaah, it's not even being put to good use. It's just going out to be torn to shreds.

R.I.P. my Bible. :(

Friday, March 04, 2005

This is why I love teaching...

I marked some bridge tests today, and I wanted to post a classic comments:

"I would use a drawbridge (we're doing a bridge unit) because if a sail boat came through it the bridge would collapse the bridge killing millions of people."

Ahahaha, such exaggeration!!!

Also, one test I got was COVERED in eraser bits. Ahahahahaha.

In more food news, sausages and honey sounds weird, but tastes good.
And in more news, I'm so sneaky and I win.
And in further news, apparently, Quang should get extra super points for even risking to be near a girl who is sick. Apparently we get really whiney when we're sick, and it's TRUE, my sister is the BIGGEST suck. Ahahahahah. Okay, so I'll give him maybe 2 more points. But that's it. No more. Ahahahahah.

And what's this about being a beta tester for Subway sandwiches?? WHERE do I get jobs like this???

Thursday, March 03, 2005

He's like a cyst!

You know how cysts grow on you?

This "Quang" character is growing on me. My sister's at home sick today and GUESS who comes by. Yep, him. He brought hot chocolate and soup and bagels for my poor sick sister. AW. I know. It's so funny how I'm always like, Nami, don't just be won over by that stuff. But really, ahahaha, I'M won over by it. Not completely, mind you. But at least he's a nice guy.

I'm going to start a point system. Food gets a lot of points. So let's say, 5 points for Quang. I wonder at which pointage I'll let him be my sister's boyfriend.

Gaaaaah, must stop being so overprotective!!!!

That's it for this up-to-the minute, live update from chez Michelle and Nami.

Oh, wait, 2 more points for having a good, firm handshake, and actually shaking my hand. Minus 2 points for not introducing himself to my mom. Plus one for being a good dresser and having a nice scarf and shoes.

And I think I'll make the quota a billion points. Once he hits a billion, then he can date my sister. AHahahahaha. I'm so silly.

Michelle's new favourite thing to do!

Call me the Proshow Pro. Go ahead. Doesn't it sound great? Ahahaahha. That's right, I made my very first slideshow-y thing today. I LOVED it. So many great can zoom, rotate, pan! I'm annoyed because I couldn't change the speed of my video, but I LOVED EVERYTHING ELSE! It is my new favourite hobby. I'm a big fan of the fading between slides though. I used it for EVERY one. I tried different ones, but nope, it kept calling. "Michelle, Michelle, use me!" Oh, and in the making of it, I heard 2 new songs that I love. Yay Charlie Hall!

So here's my equation of the day: Michelle + Proshow = best friends forever=masterpiece slideshows. Ahahahahaha.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Celebrate everything!

My friend asked me today why we have Black History month, Gay Pride parades, etc. She wondered why we couldn't have heterosexual male and female day celebrations. Ahahahaha. She said her friend has decided to make next week hot guy week or something like that. Oh man.

My cardio instructor today was the most hyper little ball of energy ever, and she makes me very tired just looking at her. Anyway, she walked in today and told us this story. She said there was this cute boy at the gym that she works at, and one day he was showing her his vacation pictures. Fully knowing that it was him in the picture, she said, "Hey, who's that guy in this picture? He's cute!" to which he replies that it's him, and she gives him a wink. Ahahahaha, he's also not talking to her anymore. Ahahahaha. So funny how she shares all these experiences with us. She also described him to us in great detail and told us where we could find him if we were looking for "a brunette with blue eyes who was built like a hockey player." Crazy cardio woman.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Snow job Kevin 1.0

Okay, it was MY idea first to invent my evil plan to Snow Job Kevin 1.0. COPIER! So just for the record, it was MY idea first. MINE. THerefore, any recruiting to any kind of team should happen to MY team. I call dibs on Laura.

Second, Chika is my tax guru. WHAT would I do without my tax guru? Freak out more than I usually would. HOW do I buy RRSPs? Will I have to pay taxes this year? Does scholarship money count as income? Yadda yadda...

Third, Chika is also actually my encyclopaedia. Example: Chika, what's it mean when the umps do that signal? Chika, what's that thing on the car called? Chika, Chika, Chikaaaaaaa! Hahah.

Okay, you know, I think I need to cut down on blog entries, because frankly, I think they're starting to be boring. I'll try harder to be amusing.

One last amusing story though...or, well, I thought it was amusing, which does not necessarily mean other ppl will find it amusing.

So my sister and her gentleman friend talk on the phone a LOT, and he happened to call on her cell while we were in the car. So you know, I like to try to be annoying and proceed to say, "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" very loudly in the background. She gives me the evil eye, hisses at me to be quiet and tries to put her hand over my mouth. At this point, I decide to start shouting, "ABUSE! ABUSE!" (very mature, I know), and he apparently asks if he can call back (not because of me), at which my sister is VERY relieved and says, "YES, PLEASE call me back LATER." Ahahahahah. After she hung up, she asked why I felt I had to embarass her. I told her that if he couldn't take some funny older sister business, that he was too boring and uptight for her, anyway. So there.

And finally, I took the What Gender is your brain test and I am proud to say that I am 86.67% Female and 13.3% Male. Ahaha, because these quizzes are SOOOOOOOOOOO accurate. But anyway, it said,
You have the brain of a girly girl
Which isn't a bad thing at all
You're empathetic, caring, and in tune with emotions.
You're a good friend and give
great advice.

That's right, I'm empathetic and I give GREAT advice. That's right. ie. you should ALWAYS listen to me. My advice is that you should buy me a slushie. ;)

P.S. I'm the running man expert. Come to me and Laura for lessons. 100% satisfaction guaranteed, unless you're totally inept at the running man (YOU know who you are!).

I think this thing is broken...

This thing says I act like I'm 24. I'm 23. I actually act older than my age??? Hm. Did I tell you I've snow fought (ahaha, is that even a word??) a lot these past 2 days? And I like to think I won. But maybe not. I think the quiz is broken.

In other news, I have concluded that xanga is the new AA. COME ON, it's TOTALLY AA!!!!