Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Great quotes of the week!

"Do NOT fight with your children. But if you do fight, make sure you DON'T LOSE." - Dr. Phil

"Understand, I do not lose." - Ms. Dyson, my host teacher at the school I'm teaching at! And all the students know it, too.

"You can't ride two horses with one a**, sugarbee." - Melanie's dad in Sweet Home Alabama

"So I can kiss ya anytime I want." (make sure to say this one with a southern accent, otherwise it's not nearly as amusing) - Melanie in Sweet Home Alabama

"Nippy never-do-er." - Tats, referring to the fact that we both "always never do things".

"What's your nickname? MICHion Impossible?" - Tats (again, all in one conversation!)

Alright, so I'm probably the only one who thinks most of these are funny. But if you REALLY want to appreciate them, you have to say them out LOUD. Yep.

Monday, April 25, 2005


The HORROR!!!!!

Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?

I mean, the test is dumb, but to actually come out of it as SAMUEL SCREECH POWERS...I think I need to go shopping. Hahahahaha.

In better news, I'm cute but psycho bunny.

you are the cute but psycho happy bunny. You
adorable, but a little out there. It's alright,
you might not have it all, but there are worse

which happy bunny are you?

For Good

Boo, I missed seeing the musical Wicked, but my grade 5 students are singing one of the songs at their graduation. I listened to it today and it made me almost cry! Imagine my very own students singing it as they graduate...

For Good

I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return

Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you:

Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew youI have been changed for good

It well may be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of meIs made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend:

Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a skybird
In a distant wood

Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you:

Because I knew you:

I have been changed for good

And just to clear the air
I ask forgiveness
For the things I've done you blame me for

But then, I guess we know
There's blame to share

And none of it seems to matter anymore

Like a comet pulled (Like a ship blown)
From orbit as it (Off it's mooring)
Passes a sun, like (By a wind off the)
A stream that meets (Sea, like a seed)
A boulder, half-way (Dropped by a)
Through the wood (Bird in the wood)

Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
I do believe I have been changed for the better?

And because I knew you:

Because I knew you:

Because I knew you:
I have been changed for good.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Breaking down the pride and the prejudice...

An excerpt of a conversation I had with one of my students:

Me: Mindy*, your assigned partner will be Bob.
Immediately, Mindy puts on grumpy-face.
Me: Mindy, is there a problem?
Silence. Arms cross.
Me: I notice you didn't want to work with Bob last time. Is there a reason for this?
Silence. Shifty-eyes.
(Do I talk to myself??)
Me: Well, Mindy, I'm not impressed with your attitude. It does not require a lot to simply share a book with Bob (who by the way is death boy, ahahahaha). I think you are being stubborn, and you have a very negative attitude. I haven't seen you trying to make any type of improvement in your attitude, so I'd really like to see an attempt (at this point, I really just wanted to say, Listen, it's not like you two have to be boyfriend and girlfriend, AHAHAHAHAHA, she would have DIED!).
Still talking to myself.
Me: Well, Mindy, I'm going to ask for an answer before you leave today. Can you make an attempt to work better as a group?

A LONG time later, she runs up to me and says, "My answer is yes."

Gah, took long enough. She was all pouty mc-pouty pants.

AHahahaha, and I realized some things. First of all, whining is stinking annoying. My kids were ALL complaining today about muscle pain after my gym classes. I was so annoyed. And then I realized, that's what I do. Hmmmmmmmmmm.

Second, I hate running on treadmills to nowhere. I'd like a better goal than a time I have to reach. As I was running though, I started thinking about perseverance. I am ALWAYS talking to my students about perseverance. How am I supposed to teach them about it if I can't even persevere? I'm so lazy. I know, I know. But mental perseverance is a lot easier when your body isn't dying from running, ahahahha. Don't know how you do 10K, ppl, but I'm stinking impressed.

*names have been changed to protect the reputations of my funny students.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Just give me new ones...

I need new legs. They are totally kaput right now. Too much running. Too much basketball. There's a burning sensation around my knees. That's not usually there. I think it's bad. And my toesies hurt. And I still have lots of fat, ahahahaha. You know, it's a good thing I really don't care all that much about body fat or weight or whatever, because getting your fat pinched could really get you upset. Ahahahaha. But really, what can you do, body fat is essential for insulation. Even with all this body fat, I'm cold. So there, body fat is good and useful. THerefore justifying my midnight eating bouts. Yes.

I also watched Spanglish today (yeah, let's not talk about what a slacker I am). I totally loved it, except for the marital unfaithfulness bit. Tea Leoni played awesomely insane, and Adam Sandler played such a sweet nice guy. Fave line from the movie? "You are the nicest white woman I have ever met!" AHAHahahahahaha. And the star woman was totally great. I wish I had an older sister like that.

Gah, my nose is stuffed, and it makes my brain turn to mush, on top of the fact that my legs are complete and utter jello right now, on TOP of which I am totally utterly exhasted from teaching. I'm loving my kids more and more tho! Yaaaaay my grade 5 class. Will I cry when they graduate? Surely!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

I'm excited!!!

Last night was our annual Campus Crusade for Christ fellowship dinner. It was amazing!! It's basically a celebration of everything God did on all the Ontario campuses throughout the year, and it was an amaaaaazing year. :) We saw more ppl come to Christ, more students go on summer missions trips, and more and more ppl are making the decision to go into full-time ministry. It was just amazing at York to see so many new, excited people. It makes me SO excited to go overseas to see what God will do over there next year. :) I'm uber-excited for the short-term trips that'll be going over this summer, too. Honestly, there's nothing I'd rather be doing than serving Him full-time!!!! :)

Today's message at church was interesting, too. Pastor Ray compared humans to porcupines. The closer we get to each other, the more prone we are to hurting others with our quills...and it's true. Being close to someone requires vulnerability and letting your walls come down. It's baring your soul, and trusting that they'll be careful with your heart. As that happens, we get closer, but more prone to hurting each other. Being hurt so many times makes the walls come up, and it separates us from others, when we were really made to be in fellowship with one another. But being able to feel that emotional pain is what makes us human, and being able to grow from those past hurts and allowing God to heal our hearts is a transforming thing. I can't wait until the day I am presented holy in his sight.

"Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation– if you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel." - Colossians 1:21-23

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Speed dating, HAHAHA!

Yesterday after school, my host teacher explained that she would have to leave immediately after school due to a...and she held up an e-mail, told me not to read out loud, and allowed me to scan...speed date. WHAT in the world is a speed date?! I didn't say anything and just laughed. She said, "I'll tell you all about it tmw," and jetted off.

Cut to today, where I ask about the speed date. Judging by the laughter and the look she gave me, I don't think it went well. I expected it to be like, some online dating service or something (she just started on eBay, so I figured she was all about this online stuff). No, it's 20 gals meeting 20 guys. Old guys who all lie about their age. AHahahaha. SO anyway, apparently it's at this trendy downtown lounge, so my teacher and her 2 friends show up, and it's ALL women. They beeline to the washroom, and are discussing their options, and are debating leaving because it's not worth the $30. They walk out again, and are approached by the organizer lady. By this time, more men have shown up, but my teacher likes black guys, and (her words) "speed dating has not exactly caught on in the Black community. The attitude is, why speed date if you can go to a club?" Ahahaha. Anyway, so this lady asks, "Are you here for the speed dating?" My teacher's split-second reaction is a very loud, "NO!" as they head towards the exit. Now, she's still curious as to how this all works, so as she heads out the exit, she keeps looking in her purse and glancing over her shoulder. Just as they get out the door, organizer lady runs after them and says, "We're 3 ppl short (guess which three! AHAHAHAHA). Would you ladies like to try speed dating for free?" And my teacher answers, "Sure!" AHahahaha, they then give 3 fake (but not really fake, because when you're trying to make up a name on the spot, you know you always just pick a friend's real name, ahahaha) names and proceed to speed date.

How it works with this place is that everyone wears a name tag with their name and a number underneath. Gals are stationary, guys circulate and talk. Literally, what happens is you talk, look at their name tag/number, and check beside their number on a list you're carrying, "Yes" or "No"! At the end of the night, they collect your sheets and if 2 ppl both answered YES to one another, they send you the other's e-mail addy. Needless to say, my teacher walked out with her checklist. AHahahahaha. How hilarious is speed dating?! It's crazy! The funniest is that a) my teacher was willing to try it; b) that she went, tried to leave and then got to try for free; c) that there is even such a thing as speed dating. This world is crazy. I could've told her speed dating would be stupid. Not getting to know ppl enough before dating is baaaaaaaaad news.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde??

I have a boy in my class who just makes me laugh. He's just SO WEIRD! He started off the year drawing pictures of swords, skulls and crossbones all over his work (yes, creepy). Then he moved onto taking notes about Innuyasha in his little notebook. He even wrote down URLs of sites with pictures and all that stuff. THEN he pulled out his binder FULL of his anime research. If he researched class stuff like he researches anime, he'd be super! But instead, he is obsessed with all Japanese cartoons.

The other day, however, I was looking through his cubby because I needed one of his books, when I noticed a pile of paper. Not just one piece. Many pieces of paper. And lo and behold, what should be on these pieces of paper (remember, this is death child), but LOVE SONGS. AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAH. This little grade 5 boy totally has all these lyrics to different love songs IN HIS SCHOOL CUBBY! This is DEATH BOY!!! The funniest part was the same day I found all those, he was answering questions in class about how weather affects humans and animals, and he kept coming up with, "Snowstorms can snow you in and you can freeze to death" or "When tsunamis come, people die" or "In lightning storms, you can get hit by lightning and DIE." It's so funny how he's so morbid and creepy most of the time, and yet apparently uber-romantic on the inside??? AHahahahaa. Do grade 5 boys even LIKE girls??? AHahahaha.

In further student news, I have a grade 1 student who totally has corn rows, but the other day, 2 of the ends were coming off and were pointing up on either side of his head, so he looked like he had antennae! Ahahaha, SO CUTE! And I have a boy in my class who has a perpetual butt crack showing. Does it NOT get BREEEEEZY????

Kay, teaching is way too tiring. Zzzzzzzzzz....

Monday, April 11, 2005

Basement sleep no good...

Every Sunday night, I fall asleep downstairs on my comfy couches. It's fine, except that it's SO cold down here. Booo. So then I crawl under the umm...kotatsu (it's this heated table thing, where the heater is underneath the table and there's a blanket thrown overtop of the whole thing to keep the heat in) and sleep (oh, is it ever comfy and warm!!). SO BAD. I think I'm getting a cold. Gah, and today I held hands in a circle with my grade one class and may have touched my face after...all those germy germs....ahhhhh!

Must not get sick! Will not get sick! Nooooo sick!

Haha, my grade ones are so funny, there's one girl in that class who has asked me EVERY week whether I am a university student or not. She has some cousin who is, and apparently she thinks it's very cool. Ahahahaha, SO cute!!

Kay, back to planning. Kick me off MSN if you see me anytime.

Lynn's baptism! :)

Dedicated to Lynn:

Dedicated to Dan:

Because you requested it and I'm procrastinating...

Dan, these are for you! :)

Easter pics, as requested.
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Saturday, April 09, 2005

I broke down yes I did

FINE. I signed up for xanga. No, but ONLY for commenting purposes, because dumb xanga won't let you comment unless you're a member. I just had to comment on Dan's AHAHAhaha model looks on his xanga page.

Okay, which brings me to Sisters appreciation night at Southland. Ahem, I know, I know, they're a huge church. But hellooooooooo mah brothers, I am so stinking IMPRESSED with what you guys pulled off! My T.O. brothers, take note...Sister's appreciation night at Southland (you can also check out Dan Irkel's before and afters).

Friday, April 08, 2005

Biggest tear jerkers of all time

The 5 movies I've cried the most at (that I remember):

1) Bambi (I'm HORRIBLE with parent offspring separation)
2) Message in a Bottle
3) (and #2 for Nicholas Sparks) The Notebook (I will not even talk about how MUCH I cried when I watched it today...gah!)
4) Legends of the Fall (Spoiler coming up.................everyone DIES! Cue waterworks)
5) hmmm...jury's still out for #5...any suggestions?

And GUESS who is finished ALL the exams she will ever have to write for her degree, EVER? Moi! Woo hoo! Now to survive 4 weeks with my grade 5s without contracting strep throat again!

AND guess who can bench press the ...ahem...yeah, just the bar, but ALL by my lonesome!? Moi again! I saw another girl who kicked my butt today tho...she had actual weights on her bar, and didn't even have a spot! Ahahahaha. Bring on the squash, my friend, bring it on.

AND, I'm graduating June 14 at 10:30am. No tickets needed, so come if you want! I'd love to celebrate with you all!!!!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Warm Springy days and klutzy moments

I LOVE LOVE LOVE warm springy days! Today was BEAUTIFUL! Too bad I had to spend it studying. Can't wait for retreat so I can take a long nap on the big grass field in the sun...I LOVE the sun.

In klutzy news, I have 2 stories that I haven't shared. One's from the One of a Kind Craft Show. Story #526:

Michelle walks along, is talking to Jess...suddenly, she spots pretty stationery and hand-bound books covered in handmade paper! Her dream come true! Jess and Michelle hop over to the booth, where Jess finishes perusing. Michelle makes her way to the back table where she asks some questions in an attempt to look somewhat interested in the handmade goods. The booth woman then turns to fix something at the first table, and Michelle picks up a book. Then she puts the book down. Then the book falls, domino style, onto the 6 books standing nicely behind it. Cue falling of books. Cue falling of last book behind table into the black hole area. Cue Michelle hastily trying to put books back up before booth lady sees. Cue Jess laughing a LOT in the background after having witnessed klutzy moment #526 from Michelle.

And today, story #527...Michelle is looking at CDs at HMV. Michelle leans on bottom shelf. Bottom shelf pops up, CDs fall to the floor. Michelle hastily tries to put the shelf back into place but it doesn't go back into place because there are CDs stuck underneath it. Kevin silently laughs. HMV salesguy rushes over to aid the klutzy damsel in CD distress. Offers some reassuring words about how it always happens. Michelle doubts it, but feels better that salesguy tried at least.

Oh oh, I'm blogging in 3rd person. Gah.

Back to studying. AND crocheting! Oh, Chika, I learned the treble stitch! SO FUN! I'll show you on Sunday! (oh, and bad news, I discovered that they have Alias, the novel was a distraction at the library today)

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

What's <3???

That's it. What the heck does <3 mean? And where did it come from? I'm so out of the loop!

And random thought...remember Bone Thugs n' harmony? Ahahahahaha.

And, I think someone keeps trying to hack into my (now UNLIMITED) google account. How do I protect it from hackification??

Oh tell me why I'm so good at not doing work!

Update: THanks Matt, for explaining the <3 thing! Ahahahaha, it's a HEART! I feel like that was a computer blonde moment. I thought it was something to do with less than 3 letters. It's the mathematician in me, ahahahahah.

Endobanah big pee adventure!

I was talking to an old friend and she reminded me of our fun canoeing adventures. That was the year I overdid it canoeing and had internal bleeding kinda pain in my arms after. I couldn't even open the toothpaste cap. The next day, because I couldn't canoe from all the pain, we decided to paddleboat. The day after that, my legs killed along with my arms.

Aha! But that's not the story! I know, you're confused, "But i thought the story was a big PEE adventure," you say? It IS! I can't remember if this was the same trip or not, but during the day, two girls decided to canoe out on the lake. Brilliantly, they brought some alphabet pretzels but forgot to bring water (and later you'll find out why that was a good thing). Anyhoo, they're canoeing, and pea-sized bladder girl realizes she has to go to the bathroom. Cantaloupe-sized bladder girl also realizes she has to go. But what a dilemma! They're out on the middle of the lake in their bathing suits, with no potty in sight. Suddenly, they spot an island! They canoe over to the island to scope out a good bush, but soon realize that the island is a raunch island with no good bushes. What to do...what to do?! I'll tell you what they did. They waded into the water and peed in the lake. THAT'S right. Peed in the lake. Then they waded around a bit, and continued paddling. Pee problem solved. No more drinking before long canoe rides.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Scary stats...

In Japan, 1 couple marries every 41 seconds; another couple is divorced every 2 minutes, 22 seconds (statistics by "Operation Japan 2000"). :(

Japan is a nation that needs a soul.

"children are being born out of wedlock in huge numbers; more and more Japanese students are dropping out of college and showing less interest in long-term professional careers; crime rates among Japanese young people are skyrocketing. Currently the federal government is considering legislation that will lower the age at which young people can be tried in court as adults. Juvenile detention centers are packed and over-flowing." - Asian Access Japan

"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" - Isaiah 6:8

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” - Matthew 9:38

Send us with fire to go love the world.

In more positive news, the retreat speaker hunt is looking good right now! Keep praying! :)

Good quality conversation!

I love catching up with ppl you haven't talked to in a while! And I really miss good-quality phone conversations! MSN has wiped out all phone conversations this past little while. I whined about not getting calls, and then my sister gave me a pity call from the next room. Ahahaha. We actually talked for a bit, trying to ignore the echo from hearing the person speak into the phone, and then hearing the voice in the phone seconds later. And then I proceeded to text msg random ppl. And then I baked. But then I had a good conversation with an old friend. You need to stop "what-if"ing tho. ;)

Why am I so good at procrastinating??? Back to work.

Hm, and I have all these random old posts I didn't post, but have now, which is why they might not make sense.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Bizarre-o dreams

I think this past weekend I've been really internally stressed. I think it's been tough, emotionally, and I keep taking really long naps during the day. Apparently, I have more dreams when I nap during the day because I've had some bizarre-o dreams. Take for example, my dream today. It was filled with church and CCC ppl.

Ahahaha, first, Kenji was driving me to some water park ahahaha, wearing a preppy outfit (I'm talking striped shirt and green-y khakis! I know! Crazy!) with my sister. I got dropped off, and then met up with Kev and my sister and my friend Nicoleta (I know, how can my sister drop me off and then appear at the waterpark after, no idea). They decided to go on this water slide thing, only Kev got to go down on a ski-doo thing (which really was a motorcycle in my dream, I know, confusing).

Anyway, I didn't have a pass, so I climbed the steps of the slide with them and waited at the top while they slid down. Then, this thing turned into a ride, where the platform started bouncing up and down and I was flying around, clinging for dear life to this weird red platform. Then for some reason Kev was showing me some slide show he was working on. AHahahaha. I'm sure there were some other bizarre-o incidents after, but it's all a big mush. I think my brain is trying to relieve my internal stress. Yikes!

AHahaha, but I can still see Kenji in his preppy ("Chika-dressed-up-style") outfit! Hehehe.

Musically unmusical

So I've been thinking, it seems that everyone around has amazing musical talent. Virtually everyone I know plays an instrument, and plays it well. I heard an amazing violinist, multiple pianists, a guitarist and a great vocalist today. EVERYONE seems to be super-talented! I think I MUST have some hidden, VERY hidden, latent talent for SOMETHING. The only thing is, I have not been super-good at any instrument that I've played ever...except maybe the Ukelele, but really, does that count if it was in grade 4 and we played, oh, probably Hot Cross Buns? Thus begins my quest for my instrument. AHahahaha. This little girl I hung out with today plays the flute, and she says it's easy to make it sound good, so it sounds like my kind of instrument. Plus, you don't have to have super-short fingernails for it. Excellent. AHahahaha. Someone I drove home (WHO WAS IT?!!?!) told me I could rent a flute from L&M for $30 for the month, or something like that.

Ready world? Here comes Michelle and her flute! AHAHAHAHahaahah. (Any bets as to whether or not this will actually happen??) And if all else fails, I'm going back to my comb kazoo.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Creepy phone bully man!

The other day, some window and door replacement company called our house. I picked up because I'm the phone hog, and proceeded to speak to what I thought would be someone nice. WRONG! Coo-coo (okay, when you read that, you need to read it in my high "Coo-Coo!" konw, like, Coo-coo for crazy. If you didn't read it like that, go back now and do it again. It'll add to this entry's creepy feel)! He offered me a free estimate because they were in my area. The following is a rough transcript of our call.

Me: Oh, actually, we just got new windows installed last year, so we don't need anything new.
CCM (Creepy Coo-coo Man): Are you sure? It's free, why don't we just estimate it for you?
Me: No, that's really okay, thanks.
CCM: Okay man, please Miss, I don't have any money for food or clothes. Can you just buy a window? (very whiney)
Me: Well, I'm really sorry you have no money, but I really don't need new windows.
CCM: But miss, how am I supposed to get money if you don't buy stuff from me? Just help me out. (more whininess, cry me a river)
Me: Well, I really don't need windows!
CCM: Fine, then do you want to just give me $50,000? (CAN YOU EVEN BELIEVE THIS?!)
blah blah blah, some more of the obnoxious same...
Me: No, BYE.

HOW crazy is this guy??? He calls and practically forces me to buy windows. WHY would I buy windows from him if I already have nice new ones?? It was so creepy! He was a total phone bully, and those are no fun.

Note: I mean, if this guy really needed money for food and clothes, it's a valid complaint, but I complain about his whininess because I think he's a BIG FAT LIAR!

Jazz it up! and some other cute fuzzy entry

My new fave is jazz! It's so mellow and great! Jack Johnson is soooooooooooooooo great, and Michael Buble's album is fan-diddly-astic! Thanks for sharing the wisdom of your age with me, Ray! Ahahahaha. But honestly, Banana pancakes is such a great song! It makes me laugh. Sort of like Love Song for No One by JM! And I quote, "I'm so tired of being alone, so hurry up and get here." AHAHAHahahaha. Ooooh JM, so funny!

And now, for some cute fuzzy animals! (warning: Squealy girliness ahead, I know, I'm ashamed...)

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Probably my two fave animals in the world right now. Look at my cutie cat, Totoro! He thinks he's a dog. And then wombats, the softest, most cuddliest animal in Australia. Apparently. I've never actually felt one. I really really wish for the zookeeper to let me pet the animals, but I don't think they do that at the Toronto one. BOO-urn-a-licious.

And now for fun animal facts (because they are SO much fun!)
1. When elephants walk to a water hole, they walk in single file, AND they're back feet step into EXACTLY the same spots as their front feet! I know, it's amazing!
2. Wombats are soft and cute.
3. Naked mole rats have a set of inner lips, inside of their teeth, so that as they dig with their teeth, the lips close and no soil gets into their mouth! I know, it's amazing!
4. Canada geese mate for life. They also attack people a lot. And their poo has a lot of nitrogen. And it's illegal to touch their nest once they've laid eggs. As if you could get close to the nest, anyway, with vicious guard geese around. Watch out, mating season soon. First comes mating, then come eggs, then come crazy geese attacking ppl in parking lots during the days.
5. Did I tell you about my most favourite soft and cute animal? It has no tail, and SUCH a cute bum! No, not me! You guessed it, it's the WOMBAT! And I will mention the wombat a billion more times during this post!
6. Turkey vultures barf on any cuts they have because their throw-up is anti-bacterial.
7. Snapping turtles often lay their eggs in the sandy shoulders of country highways and cottage roads. How do you pick up a snapping turtle to move it off the road if it's sitting there? Grab the tail gently and scoop your hand under it like a pizza. Then immediately wash your hands because turtles are salmonella-city.
8. Flying squirrel in japanese is momonga. I wonder if they do anything cool besides fly?
9. Wombats are aaaaadorable.

Call me Bill Nye, the animal guy. :)

And finally, here's the batik I rushed through. I hate rushing artwork. Why am I so slow at everything?
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Friday, April 01, 2005

Cry in my heart...

There's a cry in my heart
For Your glory to fall
For Your presence to fill up my senses
There's a yearning again
A thirst for discipline
A hunger for things that are deeper

Could You take me beyond?
Could You carry me through?
If I open my heart?
Could I go there with You?
(For I've been here before
But I know there's still more
Oh, Lord, I need to know You)

For what do I have
If I don't have You, Jesus?
What in this life
Could mean any more?
You are my rock
You are my glory
You are the lifter
Of my head
Lifter of this head

- Starfield

You are the lover of my soul. You are my glory, You are my comfort, You are my strength.