Sunday, June 05, 2005

Casa Loma Exposé

I haven't been to Casa Loma in ages, but Kenji and I did a little exposé there this Saturday. I'll take you through our observations. Prepare yourself for some SHOCKING secrets. You saw it here first, on Michelle's blog.

As we trampled through the wild garden in the back, Kenji made a surprising discovery! Coca-Cola really IS everywhere!

We did some spying in the grand hall on all the so-called "tourists" who's covers were talking on a cell phone when, gasp, they were actually listening to the audio tour.

After some close inspection, we also concluded that the armour in Casa Loma is fake! Kenji: "This is cheap tin. You can get this from Canadian Tire."

Glass heads are creepy! Actually, it's even creepier that it's a jar. Kenji suggests filling it with jellybeans.

Kenji will not quit his day job to become a model. ;) (Here, you see him wearing the latest fashions fit for both dark, dingy tunnels, or even for pumping gas!)

You can see the versatility of this outfit as Kenji travels through a secret passageway and poses with a fountain. He's looking stylish everywhere!

And here we see the lovely Kenji posing on a turn-of-the-century bidet. There's a tap for "Hot", a tap for "Cold" and a tap for "Waste". Not sure what that meant. But ladies, look at that alluring expression on Kenji's face!

"I'm a hunk on a bidet, what more do you want?"

The Casa Loma pets, Dignity and Impudence. I'm not kidding, it says that at the bottom of the picture!

And the most amazing discovery of all...The "ferocious" dragon and "dashing" knight.

No, wait, I lied. THe MOST amazing discovery is due to my eagle eyes that I was keeping peeled for suspicious activity. As I scanned one of the rooms, my eagle eye caught sight of....yes...CENTRAL VACCUUMING DUCT! They're all over. Yes my friends, gone are the days of cleaning your castle with a broom and dustpan.

Climbing the two towers made me dizzy, but it was fun! Here's me pretending to hold something carved somewhere...

The view from the towers was great, even though there's still debate as to whether or not the grayish-blue cloudiness around the city was in fact, smog.

All in all, a good exposé day at Casa Loma!


naomi said...

hahah... ferocious dragon looks too happy-go-lucky while dashing knight looks super bored. or...hold on... is that Blue Steel????

Emixs or Emiks said...

I`ve never gone to Casa Loma... and yes I call myself Canadian... or Torontonian.
I definately need to go there when I come back!