Thursday, December 06, 2012

3 months old!

Dear Kiyomi,

You just turned 3 months old, and you have grown so much!  I spend all day with you, but I will still look at photos of you over and over.

Three month stats:
Length: 63 cm
Weight: 13.6 lbs.

You've grown so big, and we're on the last button on your size 1 Applecheeks around your cute, chubby thighs!  We'll have to put you in size 2s soon.  We started putting you in 3-6 month clothing at 2.5 months, because you were so long!  You've developed great head control, and love when your mom and dad walk around to give you tours.  You look around eagerly, and get upset if we stop in front of a blank, boring wall for too long!  You also get upset when we try to do tummy-time with you, so we trick you into doing it by carrying you around on your tummy.

You started smiling a few weeks ago, and now laugh when your dad tickles your lips, or we put our faces close to yours.  You can also hold onto things with intention, and have wasted no time picking up your toys, clinging to your parents clothes, and pinching us!  You especially like to hold onto your pink bear-blanket when you're napping.

Your favourite books are Moo, Baa, La La La, because you love the animal noises, and you will spend a long time looking at the pictures in your Look, Look! book.  You also try to sing along when your mom sings "You are my Sunshine", and give lots of smiles when we do the actions to "Tick Tock, Tick Tock, I'm a Little Coo-coo Clock".

Overnight, you usually sleep for a five-hour stretch, wake up for a feeding, and then go back to sleep for 2-3 hours.  You spend your early mornings with your dad, where you usually coo and giggle.  You have trouble going to sleep when you're in a new environment, because you want to look at EVERYTHING.  You will tell mama and papa that you want to walk around, if we stay in one place too long.  You are very clear in your communication, and will let us know quite dramatically if you don't like something.  We think you're a spirited baby!

You're patient with the other children at church when they want to touch your hands, or stroke your head.  They think you are SOOO CUTE!  :)

You love when we change your diaper, and kick your legs excitedly once your diaper is off.  We think you would love to lounge around in the nude all the time if you could.

We are so blessed that God knit you together so wonderfully and fearfully, and we've had so much fun getting to know you.  You are such a blessing to us and have taught us lots already.

Kiyomi, we love you!


Your mama and papa

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