Monday, July 03, 2006

War veterans...

I met with a dear friend of mine, my first discipler, in B.C. and she spewed so much wisdom as I told her about readjusting to the Canadian culture. There was one thing she said that stood out to me especially, and that was that returning missionaries are like war veterans. When war veterans come home, they realize so much has changed in their home culture and they often have trouble readjusting, finding new jobs, and re-acquainting themselves with old friends. She said returning from the missions field is similar, because we've been fighting a spiritual battle. War veterans have organizations that help them re-adjust to the culture, and it's important for us to find a support network, too.

So how do I feel? In some ways, it's back to normal. Slowly, things are starting to come to do a load of laundry, doing dishes in 2 HUGE sinks (bye-bye small Asia sink!), driving in Toronto, petting my cat.

I think the problem will be taking time to spend with God. Already, I'm trying to adjust by to-do-ing everything, putting tasks on a list that I'll check off once I've finished them (it's control-freak syndrome!). One thing that's not on my task list? Re-adjusting to culture. Is it a mistake to assume that that will happen naturally? Probably.

If you talk to me this week, can you ask me if I've taken time off to start processing this past year? Ask me if I've spent some good time with my Father. Thanks for all your support, friends! :)

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