Tuesday, July 20, 2004

I want spicy!!

My junior assistant Mike is soooooo funny.  He told me this story from last session, where his group was making nametags.  Thinking he'd try to be funny, he made a nametag that said "Spicy".  The kids didn't really get it, but did end up calling him Spicy for a little.  Anyway, he finally gave it up because the kids really didn't think it was all that amusing for any reason, and he put the nametag in his pocket.  Later on, one of the little girls goes up to him and decides she wants him to wear his "Spicy" name tag.  She then proceeds to try and reach into his pocket, all the while yelling, "I want spicy!"  Not exactly a great picture, but hilarious.  Oh man.  Kids.
On another fun note, today I bonded with 2 kids in my group as we sang Abba songs over lunch.  One kid had seen Mamma Mia! and really liked the songs, and the other has a mother who's a big fan.  Who would think I'd be sitting around with 8-yr-olds singing Abba?!

Thought of the day:  God doesn't send people to Heaven or Hell.  He just makes the rules.  We get to choose where we go.

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