Thursday, July 29, 2004

Annoyances and triumphs

I had a highly annoying annoying day yesterday.  It rained, so we took the kids in at lunch to see a video in the gallery theatre.  Now, there are gallery rules that we're all expected to adhere to.  For example, not carrying backpacks, not wearing hats.  We review the rules everytime, and the kids usually remember them all and are really good at sticking to them.  Unfortunately, one of the counsellors that was with our group at lunch decided she didn't want to take her hat off (I have SO many other issues with this...i.e. she's SO girly-girl), I think probably because she didn't want everyone to see her hat-head.  Anyway, the kids are all like, "Your HAT IS ON!!!"  And I agreed with them and informed her it was an actual gallery rule.  She made some excuses and didn't take it off.  WHAT KIND OF STINKING EXAMPLE IS THAT TO THE KIDS?!  Grrrrrrr.  She's been driving me insane.  Like, WHO bothers to ultra-match when working at a grubby art camp??  She comes in MacMaster or Roots outfits.  She will NEVER mix Roots sweats with a MacMaster T-shirt.  And she wears lots of pink.  MATCHING pink, matching pink hat, matching belt.  PUKE PUKE PUKE.  Okay, so really, I'm just annoyed at this girl in so many ways.  Ahhh, what kind of example is she setting if SHE doesn't even follow the RULES?!?!?  Drives me insane.

On a brighter note, I had some good bonding time with my dad.  We went to go see the Jays game against the Yankees today.  GASP, we EVEN WON!  It was kinda intimidating because the Skydome was pretty full, but there were SO many Yanks fans everywhere!  But we kicked butt!  It was tied going into the 10th inning, and then we hit a homer.  Yaaaaay Blue Jays.  There's something about really close games that gets everyone going.  :)  It was awesome.  Who knew baseball could be so exciting!  There were these teenage kids behind us too, who kept shouting, "De-rek, Je-ter, De-rek, Je-ter, YOU SUCK!"  Ahahahahah, it was SOOOOOOOO funny!!!!  And then someone started chanting, "Let's go Yankees, let's go!"  So everytime they went to say "Yankees", these kids would shout "BLUE JAYS" super loud over them.  It was pretty hilarious.  Good Skydome times!

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