Thursday, July 22, 2004

Toeing the line clarification

Just to clarify, when I challenged people to strive for righteousness, it was in no way meant to imply that you can earn your salvation by doing good works or being a good person.  It wasn't because I think that you can only be a Christian if you're a good person.  I was just pointing out that there are higher standards that we are called to, and frankly, Christian or non-Christian, I see nothing wrong with striving to be better. 

And I also wanted to say that I agree with Keith.  Yeah, we all do have standards or "laws" that we live by.  Mine are probably just different from other people's.  And as for ever knowing the absolute truth, I agree that we're too small to ever understand God completely.  That's why it's called faith, right?  "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1)  I believe in God because I've looked at the evidence for Him not existing and the evidence for Him existing, and the evidence for His existence seems more convincing.  It's not just head-knowledge though, I have a personal relationship with Him.  I think it's actually a good thing that we can't understand Him completely though.  Because if we could, wouldn't that make us God?

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