Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Weekend update with Michelle

No politics here, but I had a busy weekend! Sunday was my friend's sister's wedding! I showed up at their house early to help them prep, but after seeing such hecticness, I decided I should elope. Ahahaha, I bet every bride thinks she should have eloped at some point in the planning process. Anyway, I think something about seeing the behind the scenes process of a wedding sort of ruined the ceremony for me. The bride seemed SO stressed! I was supposed to do a reading during the ceremony, but the bride hadn't given me the paper with the reading on it, so last-minute, I realize this and go ask her where it is. I swear she looked like she was going to cry. I hope I never ever feel that way on my wedding day. If something goes wrong, I want to a) not know about it and b) not care about it.

Anyway, the reception was awesome though. They had it at St. George's country club (apparently it costs a hundred grand a year for membership!!!!!!!), so it was really nice. There's a guy from MCI that works there who was pretty funny. He was a good server. We had another guy, Mark, who we called grumpy Mark because Nancy dropped an hors d'oeuvre and he said, "BE careful," kind of menacingly. AHahahaha. On top of that, whenever we said thanks for filling our cups or what-not, he wouldn't even respond. Most of the other servers would nod, or say, "You're welcome" or whatever. But nooooo, not Mark. Because we felt shafted by Mark, we later made fun of his serving skills. The guy was trying to stack plates with the cutlery on it, so that his pile was all crooked. AHahaha. I think he was new. Anyway, funny server Jeff came along with wine every once in a while, and it was hilarious, because he offered the guy beside me wine, and he said, "Are you trying to get me drunk?" AHahahaha. I also want to share my wine experience. Everyone was drinking wine, so I thought to myself that maybe I had pegged wine all wrong and maybe it did taste good with dinner. So, I had some wine poured for me, and decided to drink it with dinner. AHahahahahaha. You know they came around so many times to re-fill wine glasses and never re-filled mine?! I took a sip, thinking it would taste good and almost spit it out. I just don't like it! Ahahaha, I love how I tricked myself into thinking that maybe it tasted good. It was the same thing with champagne. I figured because it was sweeter, that maybe I'd take it a little better, but after a billion toasts, I was just bringing the glass to my lips and then putting it down. Ahahahahah. I really just don't like how alcohol tastes!

Anyway, the funniest part of the night, and the most touching, was the father-of-the-bride speech. The best part was when he started telling a story about how when the bride was a baby, they were going through the airport and the lady at the ticket counter said, "Oh, what a beautiful girl you have! You're going to need a shot-gun to keep the boys away." Then he said, "Well, we didn't get a shot gun, but a machine gun." Ahahaha, if you've ever met Nancy's dad, you'll understand how absolutely hilarious this is. Anyway, apparently he had also told the groom this story about the shot gun when he was asking for Nori's hand in marriage. THe groom remembered thinking, "It's 10 minutes into our lunch, and he's just told me a story about a shot gun. Where is he going with this??" Yeah, good times. I cried a lot. It was really touching.

On Monday I had lunch with a good friend, and had a good hang-out time. I had a bacon and cheese omelette for lunch, and it was deeeelish. I love breakfast foods. Especially greasy breakfast food. I have to say, it was a very memorable day in more ways than the good lunch. :)

Then the instructing fun began for the week. My kids are fantastic in the morning, not-so-great in the afternoon. But it's been good. Lots of good stories that I can't seem to remember at the moment but will update as soon as I remember! Instructing is super-fun though! So much more control. So much more authority.

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