Sunday, August 08, 2004

Another weekend update!

It's another fun weekend in the bag! Saturday morning was fun rollerblading times with Ava, Mike and my sister. Mike ran. Mike runs fast. See Mike run faster than Ava and Michelle rollerblading. See sister skating circles around me and Ava. Thank goodness for Ava. Ahahaha. So basically, Ava and I are the slowest rollerbladers in the world. Mike is the fastest runner. And my sister is the fastest blader. Mike and my sister did 12K, although they kept coming back for me and Ava, so it was probably a little longer. Ava and I did 10K. After, we all went to go play tennis. My arm hurts today. Haven't played tennis since grade 10!!!!!!

Today was also really hectic. Church, 2 softball games (YEAH, GO Judges, GO Judges! Judges 1, Judges All, let's all do the Judges call....ahahaha) where I saw a friend from school and talked with a guy who knows another friend from school (hahaha, Chinese Christian community is large, but separation is usually only a degree or two!) a big prayer/commissioning service for my friend Tim who's going to East Asia for TWO YEARS on missions. Oh man, it was so exciting to thing about all the lives he'll impact, the friends he'll make, and the things he'll learn. I am so excited for him! At the service, I saw my newly married friends who seem to be enjoying married life, and I saw Chuck. It was actually good times. The butter tart certainly helped, ahahahaha. Oh man. Food will cure any ailment.

So that's the weekend. Plans for the week? Work. Airport on Wednesday to see my friend who'll be coming back from a missions trip in Japan, Friday will probably be a youth thing, Saturday my friend from Guelph, oh, SORRY, my TWIN from Guelph will be visiting hopefully. Lots of fun stuff. And Happy early b-day Nelson, in case I don't blog that day!

Quote of the weekend: "Maybe guy's gums and girl's gums are different."

P.S. Tom Clancy novel finished; it was fan-diddly-astic

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