Tuesday, August 10, 2004


I'm so excited, because my friend Kevin is coming back on Friday from his missions trip to Japan. He was there ministering to children and families with an outreach program at a local church. It sounds like it was so much fun. I totally have a heart for Japan, and it's so interesting to hear what they've been up to. The trip is actually now officially over and they're de-briefing, but you can check out the OMF website for their journal entries and pictures.

The latest news in camp stories: The quiet game is popular! Ahahaha, it's hilarious, because a couple of girls in my afternoon class (who are, incidentally, the loudest) decided it would be a great challenge to play the quiet game. It all started because Monica had been jinxed, and the girl beside her kept telling everyone to say her name so she could talk. My assistant and I conveniently decided to forget her name. After that though, they all decided to try not to say anything for the whole afternoon. It was SOOOOOO quiet. I even reverse psychologized them, because they signed that they were going to do it until snack-time, and of course, I said, "I don't think you'll be able to do it." Which made them try harder, of course. Mwahahaha. So once again, weirdly, the quiet game has prevailed. It is so funny that kids love this game sometimes.

Favorite chant of the moment: Beaver chant! "Beaver one, beaver all, let's all do the beaver call. Ch ch ch, ch ch ch! Beaver two, beaver three, let's all climb the beaver tree! Ch ch ch, ch ch ch! Beaver four, beaver five, let's all do the beaver jive! Ch ch ch, ch ch ch! Beaver six, beaver seven, let's all go to beaver heaven! Ch ch ch, ch ch ch! Beaver eight, beaver nine, STOP! It's beaver time!!!!! Ch ch ch, ch ch ch" And it keeps going over and over, but that's the gist of it. It's so fun! And you can replace "beaver" with ANYTHING! "Kenji one, Kenji all, let's all do the Kenji call!" Ahahahaha.

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