Saturday, August 14, 2004

Baby Einstein

I saw another family friend's baby today, and discovered Baby Einstein. Disney puts out these DVDs, toys, etc that are all supposed to be educational to some degree. Anyway, apparently these DVDs mesmerize your child, and sure enough, the 8-month-old just stopped and watched so intently when they turned it on. The most hilarious part of the whole thing is that the DVD is just shots of random toys, puppets, food, etc. moving. It is HILARIOUS. There are spinning metal toys, balls, random fruits and bean sprouts, EVERYTHING! And the babies just STARE at the TV. The mothers love it because it gives them that needed 10 minutes to take a shower, pee, clean, whatever. Apparently the older baby watches this DVD for up to an hour! I don't know how I feel about extended TV watching, but man, seriously, when I have a baby, I'm totally getting baby Einstein Dvds.

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