Wednesday, August 25, 2004


I've been reading a book on keeping kids sexually pure, and there were some things that stood out to me. First, the author talked about having a strong marriage as a model for children to look up to. I really liked the part when the author prayed that God would make her a wife. She was 40 and was a foster mother to her niece and she really felt a desire for a husband, so, not only did she pray for a husband, but she prayed that He would make her a wife. I love that because I always say that dating or courting or being in a relationship isn't about finding the right person; it's about becoming the right person.

The second thing that stood out to me was a story about a chastity necklace. Some parents get their children necklaces or promise rings and ask their children to remain sexually pure, explaining the reasons why. The ring is supposed to be a symbol of that promise. I thought that was kind of neat. I just wondered what it would be like if your child said, "No, I can't promise that." Scary thought.

Definitions of the day: Mercy - when God doesn't give us what we do deserve
Grace - when God does give us what we don't deserve.

The number of times I've said either "Matthew" or "Michael" today: one hundred BILLION times.
Annoyance level: one hundred BILLION.
Why can't they just be quiet and work, and why must they always complain???

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