Monday, August 09, 2004

Family Resemblance

I was showing my family pictures from the 2 weddings I went to this summer, and they commented on the fact that the 2 siblings in one picture really looked alike. The thing is, some people think they look totally different. It got me to thinking about my sister and I. Some people swear we look VERY similar. For example, one guy in our anthropology class came up to us one day and asked us if we were twins! (I may have told this story before, now that I'm typing it...) Alright, so apparently there is some family resemblance. Later on in the month, I saw an old friend at York while walking with my sister. I introduce my sister, to which he says, "Adopted sister?" Ahahahahaha. Apparently we look reaaaaaally different. Who the heck can make up their mind!? I think there's a resemblance, but then, I have a bias because I know we're related. Ahahahaha.

Low moment of the day: Cat attack = slight bleeding = sore arm.

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