Friday, August 20, 2004

Space Cadet Central

Two boys in my afternoon class are driving me INSANE. INSANE, I tell you. One of them I have dubbed the Space Cadet, and the other one is just mischievous. Yesterday, Space Cadet ate SOAP. They were carving soap, and Mischievous had said, "Hey, I ate soap before." (another brilliant comment from the short corner) Space Cadet then actually EATS some soap while I have my back turned. He ends up with a soap crumb by his lip, which I don't want to brush off for fear of getting too close to Space Cadet spit. I let him know that he had a soap crumb, and I totally expected him to brush it away with his hand, but nope, out came the tongue, and he just licked it off. Honestly. This kid is TEN YEARS OLD. WHO EATS SOAP?!?!?! Oh man. Then Mischievous finds a glue gun stick and proceeds to CHEW it. CHEWING A NASTY PIECE OF PLASTIC. I just shake my head now, whenever they do anything. It's just so hard. Space Cadet really just is really spacey. Today though, I actually convinced him to run around a tree 10 times. It was HILARIOUS. I was like, "I bet you can't make it to 10." Ahahahaa, then he ran around. It was so funny. Silly kid. Silly Silly Silly.

THey're funny, but they're still driving me nuts.

The worst part is that I have this habit of turning ppl's comments around on them. For example, if someone says, "This stinks," I would say, "YOU stink." I do this a lot, with anything. Even, "This looks like a alien," gets turned into, "YOU look like an alien." Space Cadet CONSTANTLY says stuff that can be turned around. He keeps mentioning throwing stuff out, actually. He always says, "I wanna throw this out," to which I always so badly instinctively almost reply, "I wanna throw YOU out." Ahahaha. Or they'll say, "This is BORING. This is DUMB." You get the idea. It's sooooooooooooooo bad. Good thing I always catch myself before I say anything though!

P.S. LaserQuest ranks: 2nd in the first game, NUMBER ONE IN THE second game. OOOooooooh yeaaaaaah.

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