Friday, August 27, 2004

Insanely tired.

On my top ten list of most horrible days, this one comes in at maybe number five. First I was rudely crank-called this morning. Honestly, if I was a swearer, I think I may have told the person off. But I didn't. I'm so passive. Ahahah. But seriously, it was freaky, unpleasant, and I want to unlist my number. THe creepy thing is that it was multiple calls from different pay phones. Creepyheads.

The second thing is that I finished painting the hoarding and then it rained and the paint I put up this morning washed off. I hate hoarding more than ever.

The third thing is that the morning instructor left me with EVERYTHING to clean up today.

The fourth thing is that it was stinking humid and hot, which did not aid in my clean-up.

I am a big grumpy mcgrumpy-pants, especially because I'm physically tired from this morning. I am so MAD!!! :(

I'm glad I get to escape to beautiful Fair Glen for a week. Pray for my church camp! The baptisms are on Friday! :)

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