Monday, February 28, 2005
Guess what?
Oh, and more setting up. Soooooooooo who can I entice to come and help out?
Please just let the fairs be over already!
P.S. Bruises are forming on both my knees, and my bum/hips from falling. I'm a peach!
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Crazy daisies
you eat alot
you laugh alot
and you get laughed at alot
It's true, it's all true.
Today was a crazy daisy day. I didn't get to bed till late last night (yes, actually being productive), and today was an early morning. Fun worship, some funny out-of-tune-ness, Angie zippering her fly onstage, cotton candy craziness, getting thrown in the snow 3 times, throwing other ppl in the snow, tripping and falling while attempting to throw ppl in the snow, leaning on Laura, "We are not responsible for lost or stolen items" printed on the menu at a Chinese restaurant, Arabian love songs, AMAZING marshmallow and toothpick church building models, reminiscing about high school dances...hey, where did we leave the take-out? Hm...we didn't forget it in the restaurant this time...but where....?
Also, my sister went on a date yesterday. It's funny, my parents don't care as much, so I make up for it. I was all, "HOW am I supposed to SCREEN this guy if I'm not going to be home??" Now she's talking to him on the phone...she likes him. I told her to take it slow, and that ppl are always trying to impress each other on the first date. She insisted that they weren't going to, so then I said, "Oh yeah, are you going to tell him you play stuffed animals?" She shut up after that.
Oh, and would someone post an Oscar update? I missed the whole thing...was Chris Rock good/bad/blah, what, what?? Best dressed, worst dressed, no dressed, too dressed?
Song of the day: Take my life
Take my life and let it be consecrated
Lord to Thee
Take my moments and my days
Let them flow in ceaseless praise
Take my hands and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love
Take my feet and let them be
Swift and beautiful for Thee
Here am I, All of me
Take my life, it's all for Thee
Take my voice and let me sing
Always only for my King
Take my lips and let them be
Filled with messages from Thee
Take my silver and my gold
Not a mite would I withhold
Take my intellect and use
Ev'ry power as You choose
Take my will and make it Thine
It shall be no longer mine
Take my heart it is Thine own
It shall be Thy royal throne
Take my love my Lord I pour
At Your feet its treasure store
Take myself and I will be
Ever only all for Thee
Also, on a side note (that isn't that side note-y in my life), communication is important.
Good food (4 meals) + marker fumes + too much painting = long day o' fun
I think I do eat a lot. BUT, I think it's because I've started to work out. Back in first year when I used to work out everyday, I ate a LOT. Nancy and I were constantly scrounging for change to buy food after our workouts, it was pretty funny. We'd work out and then go eat a "healthy" hot dog. Once we tried the vegetarian dog in an effort to be more healthy, but who were we kidding, it tasted awful and veggie dogs aren't super-healthy or anything.
RIght, anyway, I'm so easily distracted, but I ate a LOT today. I woke up, had 2 slices of french toast, and then went out for yummy brunch for Carol's b-day (HAPPY B-DAY CAROL!!!) and had my meal, plus another slice of french toast from Jo's brekkie. Now, in my defense, after that, I didn't eat anything for 7 hours, but then I had pizza. And then I had a sub at midnight, for my second dinner. AHahaha. Can you say Oink oink?
Seeing high school friends was fun today, and we told some stories about great memories from high school. Hahaha, you guys are so smart and nerdy! ;) All those com-tech stories of writing a program that moves chess pieces, lasers that morse code, and ahahaha, a gun, was it, Cary? Congrats to the engineers on getting ring-ed this week, too! Ahahaha, I'm sure I'll be seeing those iron rings for the next billion years or so.
I also spent almost 9 hours at church today setting up for our ministry fair tomorrow. The most time-consuming part of it (Thanks SO MUCH, Kenji, my favourite used-to-work-out artist) was the signage. No more blue or orange paint for me, thanks. We used permanent marker to outline the words, and apparently the fumes were pretty strong, because there were some amusing moments tonight. Some highlights:
- Laura and I doing the running man (and this was before marker fumes...hmm...)
- Kevin attempting to do the running man
- cheap dollar store balloons not blowing up properly
- Thanks for letting me pay for pizza
- drawing faces on dollar store balloons that don't blow up properly
- riding a trolley cart thing
- watching Kenj and Adam play one-eyed balloon volleyball (no depth perception!!)
- finding out Kenji used to WORK OUT! ......I know, that's what I said!
- being meaner (I WIN!!!)
And my biggest biggest HUGEST thanks goes to Naomi who worked her butt off to plan the ministry fair! Thanks so much for all your hard work and organization! I told everyone how brilliant you were at last week's 40 DOP meeting, don't worry. :) If you need parties planned and you need someone, Naomi's great! She takes cheque, credit cards and cash. ;)
And Matt, it's okay, you're not the only one who writes long entries!
ANd thanks Kev and Angie for posting about random songs, because I'm SO out of the music loop. I'm totally listening to oldies (but goodies - Francis Lai's theme from love song!) right now because I just know no new songs!
Saturday, February 26, 2005
Ah, memories...
I have such amusing memories of a talent show put on by students in East Asia when I was over there, and there was someone who sang Big Big world, only the version she lip-synched was faster and more fobby, of course. Picture cute asian gal in pig tails bouncing around singing Big Big World. Ahahahaha. That night was classic, including the look on John Hau's face as Cliff planted a fake kiss on his lips. Ahahahaha. Claaaaassic.
Friday, February 25, 2005
Allow us to be Frank
My first post from in class
I'm dead tired this morning. Learning lessons is good, but tough. Thank goodness for good friends!
The thing that keeps making me laugh right now: The Babysitter's Club. The movie. I loved those books. Ahahahaha.
I've been told twice this week that I eat a lot. I've had many awkward moments where I've thought people were walking up to me to talk to me and I've sorta like, paused, and then felt like a big geek when they were like, "What?" Yeah. I did weights for 2 hours and I died but complained a lot less.
I'm hoping to retain the dutch blitz crown tonight. I'm the defending champion. When you're at the top, the only way to go is down.
Trident citrus gum loses it's flavour and get's really tough. Have you ever chewed gum to the point where it disintegrated? It's disgusting.
Church on the Rock on Sunday...I had a good idea for a devo and now I forget it. Boooo. Oh, wait, I remember again. Ahahahaha.
And the above is a perfect example of why I shouldn't write blogs before 10am.
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Michelle Idol and why I almost cried today
1. An image used as an object of worship.
2. A false god.
3. One that is adored, often blindly or excessively.
Who/what's your idol? Some questions that might tell you what your idol is...
Time - what or who are you spending the most time with?
Talk - what's the thing you talk about the most?
Thoughts - what do you spend the most time thinking about, or what do you rever to thinking about in your spare time?
Treasure - what do you spend the most money on?
We need to hold things with an open hand, and not cling to our idols with tight fists. I evaluated today, and there are so many things that are idols in my life...people, relationships. So many things that I prioritize over God. So many things that I need to loosen my grip on...
forfeit the grace that could be theirs.
- Jonah 2:8
Monday, February 21, 2005
Further randomness during procrastination station
Second: I had 2 very weird dreams during which I woke up. In the first one, I was a spy and I was at Woodbine Mall. All the bad guys wore suits and were walking around. I was trying to stake them out, for no reason, apparently, because I realized in my dream that once I got close to them, I didn't know what to do. Apparently my dream-spy self did not know how to take ppl down or plant tracking devices or anything. I'm such a boring dream-spy! Anyway, I ended up waking up because I had walked into a store in my dream and sat down on the couch. I then picked up some magazine (it was in Russian, I think) to try to look inconspicuous. Unfortunately, the bad guy spotted me and came over and was like, "YOU! You're one of them! You're one of those SPIES!" and proceeded to attack me. I then woke up. (I think this spy thing comes from Alias withdrawal. I quit the show. I know, the shock, the horror.)
My second dream, I was at school and walked into the science library chewing on my sandwich. Now, eating is NOT NOT NOT allowed in the library, and in my dream, there was some crazy food monitor person who went around staring at people's mouths to see if they were chewing or not. Unfortunately, he saw me and proceeded to SHOUT at me that I was NOT allowed to eat in the library. I stumbled a few words about how I was just chewing and that I had finished eating outside the library. He mocked me and got mad that I was talking back, so he put both his hands on my arms and picked me up, sorta squishy-like, and tried to make me leave. Then I woke up.
So some thoughts. First, why is there so much physical violence in my dreams? Second, why am I obsessed with spy things? Third. THere is no third. I'm going back to work.
Sunday, February 20, 2005
In the interest of wasting time...
The wonderful world of Michelle.
Saturday, February 19, 2005
3 stents and a couple days nearer to H-Day!
In other news...
I'm totally mooching this idea from Kenj. Thanks Kenj! Ahahahaha.
(cue French movie music...)
Michelle is a missionary.
Michelle likes playing Mission Impossible, eating Smartfood and running her fingers through clothing racks at retail stores to feel fabrics.
Michelle dislikes slow drivers, eye krispies and racoons that overturn her green bin every garbage day.
I've discovered I'm a big whiner. I mean, Chika always used to tell me to stop complaining, but I never realized just HOW whiney I was till I started working out and having immense muscle pain after workouts.
Sample whininess:
"It's TOO heaaaaaaaaavy..."
"Do I haaaaaaave to do this much weight?"
"Owwwwwwww, my leg muscles hurt."
"Owwwwwwww, my arm muscles hurt."
"Owwwwwwww, muscles I didn't even know I had hurt."
"I can't DOOOOO that many sit-ups."
"I'm hungrrrrryyyyyy."
"How many moooooooore do I have to dooooooooooo?"
"I don't waaaaanna use the bench."
"I hate you."
Ahahahaha. Be thankful you're not my personal trainer. And if you're my personal trainer, thanks for putting up with the whining.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
2 guards + handcuffs = ???!!!
But that means he got moved to another room in the hospital. Yes, so my sister, mother and I are tagging along while the guy wheels my dad up, and as we approach this room, I'm wondering why there are two uniformed guards sitting outside, reading their magazines. Now, I've seen enough ER episodes to know that they put guards outside the hospital rooms of CRIMINALS, so I'm a little weary. Sure enough, my sister reports that my dad's roommate has handcuffs on his ankles. AHahaha, I mean, it's half funny, but I'm slightly worried at the same time.
WHO would've thought. My dad, roommates with a criminal.
On the upswing :)
I visited my dad today, and he was much much better. Apparently in the couple days after a heart attack, you're more at risk for having another one, but apparently he's clear. They'll be sending him to another hospital for an angiogram in the next couple of days. Anyway, it's funny because my mom half sees all this as a good thing, because my dad never listened to us when we told him to take breaks. I guess it took a big intervention to get him to rest, so it's good. Yesterday he won the card game my sister and I were playing with him (yeah, Crib!) and I told him he won a vacation stay in a hospital. ;) Anyway, it sounds kinda morbid, but we had a good laugh. So yep, he's got lots more energy, so he's definitely on the upswing. We'll have to keep waiting for the surgery news though.
Sunday, February 13, 2005
And in all things....
This past week, I was reflecting on worship, especially in terms of what that means in everyday life. Worshipping God in all your actions sounds like a straightforward thing at first, but I guess I didn't really stop to think about what it really meant. I think after last night, I have a much better understanding of what it means to have hope, and to have a deeper inner joy that comes from that hope. And in some way, last night was an answer to prayer...I did ask to learn how to worship Him more deeply. Sigh. But alac and alas, we always learn more in situations of pain and suffering than we do in okay times.
So to summarize...last night was harrowing, I cried, I was confused, dazed, shocked...I was helpless, and all I could do was trust God with everything, which I wasn't doing very well. I asked, "Why?" a lot, and I know there are so many answers...which don't really matter at the moment. I just need to stop worrying about things I can't control.
and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
Saturday, February 12, 2005
House of Flying Daggers
So anyway, I'll recap my version of the ending.
Three characters in a field, in the fall. The chick, Mei, who's a part of the Flying Daggers, another guy who's part of the Flying Daggers who loves the chick, and then the government soldier captain man who also loves the chick. Anyway, at this point, Mei and the govt soldier guy are in love, but they've decided to go back to their respective sides. Then of course, they change their minds, so Mei gets on the horse (these horses seem to miraculously appear out of nowhere) and goes after him. Anyway, the Flying Daggers guy who loves her is in this field, and knocks her off her horse, and then blah blah, proceeds to say some stuff about, "How could you do this...blah blah, now I'm forced to kill you." It was the whole, if I can't have you, no one can, thing (insert eye roll here). Anyway, so he stabs her with a dagger, she dies. Enter soldier guy, cue bloody battle. And THEN, this is the best part right here...surprise! Mei isn't dead! The two men are in a stand-off, and Mei miraculously gets up (insert one eye roll after another here)! The soldier guy doesn't have weapon but the Flying Dagger guy does. He's about to kill the soldier guy, but Mei stands up and says that she'll kill Flying Dagger guy before he kills soldier guy. Soldier guy speaks up and says, "No! You'll bleed to death if you pull out the dagger!" Blah blah blah, you can see how this standoff could continue for a while. Anyway, finally, Flying Dagger guy decides to pretend to throw his dagger at soldier guy, after which Mei pulls the dagger out of her shoulder to throw and intercept the first she dies. Flying Dagger guy limps off. Soldier guy goes to get Mei, holds her in his arms and cue waterworks. Oh, and I'm sorry, did I mention it miraculously becomes winter in the middle of all this? We're talking blizzard with LOTS of snow. Everything turns white. Oh man.
It was going so well. WHAT was with this ending?? Oh man.
I still haven't seen Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Hope it's got a better ending than this!
Thursday, February 10, 2005
I lift my eyes up
I lift up my eyes to the hills-
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Secret competitions
Sunday, February 06, 2005
Where's James?

Youth leaders, minus James. Where is James? At school. He's always doing robotics. Nerd! Hehehe.
This is actually a pic from Ripley's Believe it or Not Museum that we went to in Niagara. So much fun! Another road trip next week to Hamilton! :)

Saturday, February 05, 2005
"This isn't a Girl Scout camp..."
I LOVE CHILDREN'S LITERATURE! Ahahahaha. I was at the Steacie Library at York today, the science library, where everyone around me was studying a textbook of some sort. In the middle of it all, I pulled out my battered copy of the children's novel, Holes, and proceeded to read it. It is HILARIOUS! I think you have to read it though. I laughed out loud at a line today (the title of this blog entry) and shared it with my friend, but she didn't really think it was that funny. I think you have to read the whole thing to truly appreciate the subtleties of Holes. But yep, by Louis Sachar, go pick it up and re-capture your childhood! It's tons of fun, especially at university. AHahaha. I hope no one noticed how big the writing in my novel was. ;)
P.S. On a more serious note, the only way that someone who has hurt you in the past can keep hurting you is if you dwell on the situation and resent them for it. If you keep resenting them, the hurt just keeps going. We need to forgive and move on.
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Working out craziness!
Anyway, the first mistake I made was thinking that I (the slowest eater and now also probably the slowest digester, too) could eat my lunch 30 minutes before intensive cardio and not get sick. Well, halfway through the class, just as it's getting more intense, I suddenly start feeling veeeeery queasy. I am also sweating up a storm at this point. Exit Michelle from cardio class. I proceed to go downstairs (practically lost with all the new renovations) and go into the gym. Immediately, I am frozen in complete shock, because they've expanded it, and I have information overload from trying to look at too many machines and ppl in the gym at one time. Anyway, being totally lost and out of it at this point, I stumble over to my faithful inner/outer abducter machines and proceed to work the thighs. Finally, my personal trainer walks in at our appointed time and shoos me away from MY favourite machines, and I proceed to do the most painful and intense workout of my entire life. Ahahahaha.
And actually, as I laugh, that pretty much summarizes a lot of it. It was a lot of laughing, pain, and me saying, "I hate you" a lot. Poor Cosma had to put up with it, and I do apologize. Actually, at one point, I think I was laughing too much, which seemed to make him think I wasn't doing enough weights, so he kept putting more on, and I proceeded to die from pain (actually, this happened a lot...this adding weight and me dying thing). My problem is that I lack concentration, and I also like to look as if I am not exerting myself to the point of dying. Also, I have very bad form. Some from being weirdly flexible. Mostly just from being weak. AHahahah.
To summarize my workout: Michelle is weak, Michelle works out, Michelle is now in pain. Cosma is my new personal trainer, and my mother is my new masseuse. I will start doing cardio and stop eating so close to class.
In other news, quiet Kevin is giving me attitude lately. Apparently he thinks he can school MOI in bowling. RIGHT. Keep dreaming, buddy. ;)
Also in further news, this is the FUNNIEST blog I have EVER read! I feel like I think like this girl sometimes. Ahahaha.