Sunday, February 27, 2005

Good food (4 meals) + marker fumes + too much painting = long day o' fun

I think I do eat a lot. BUT, I think it's because I've started to work out. Back in first year when I used to work out everyday, I ate a LOT. Nancy and I were constantly scrounging for change to buy food after our workouts, it was pretty funny. We'd work out and then go eat a "healthy" hot dog. Once we tried the vegetarian dog in an effort to be more healthy, but who were we kidding, it tasted awful and veggie dogs aren't super-healthy or anything.

RIght, anyway, I'm so easily distracted, but I ate a LOT today. I woke up, had 2 slices of french toast, and then went out for yummy brunch for Carol's b-day (HAPPY B-DAY CAROL!!!) and had my meal, plus another slice of french toast from Jo's brekkie. Now, in my defense, after that, I didn't eat anything for 7 hours, but then I had pizza. And then I had a sub at midnight, for my second dinner. AHahaha. Can you say Oink oink?

Seeing high school friends was fun today, and we told some stories about great memories from high school. Hahaha, you guys are so smart and nerdy! ;) All those com-tech stories of writing a program that moves chess pieces, lasers that morse code, and ahahaha, a gun, was it, Cary? Congrats to the engineers on getting ring-ed this week, too! Ahahaha, I'm sure I'll be seeing those iron rings for the next billion years or so.

I also spent almost 9 hours at church today setting up for our ministry fair tomorrow. The most time-consuming part of it (Thanks SO MUCH, Kenji, my favourite used-to-work-out artist) was the signage. No more blue or orange paint for me, thanks. We used permanent marker to outline the words, and apparently the fumes were pretty strong, because there were some amusing moments tonight. Some highlights:

  • Laura and I doing the running man (and this was before marker fumes...hmm...)
  • Kevin attempting to do the running man
  • cheap dollar store balloons not blowing up properly
  • Thanks for letting me pay for pizza
  • drawing faces on dollar store balloons that don't blow up properly
  • riding a trolley cart thing
  • watching Kenj and Adam play one-eyed balloon volleyball (no depth perception!!)
  • finding out Kenji used to WORK OUT! ......I know, that's what I said!
  • being meaner (I WIN!!!)

And my biggest biggest HUGEST thanks goes to Naomi who worked her butt off to plan the ministry fair! Thanks so much for all your hard work and organization! I told everyone how brilliant you were at last week's 40 DOP meeting, don't worry. :) If you need parties planned and you need someone, Naomi's great! She takes cheque, credit cards and cash. ;)

And Matt, it's okay, you're not the only one who writes long entries!

ANd thanks Kev and Angie for posting about random songs, because I'm SO out of the music loop. I'm totally listening to oldies (but goodies - Francis Lai's theme from love song!) right now because I just know no new songs!

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