Monday, February 21, 2005

Further randomness during procrastination station

First: Presbyterians is an anagram for Britney Spears. What does that mean?

Second: I had 2 very weird dreams during which I woke up. In the first one, I was a spy and I was at Woodbine Mall. All the bad guys wore suits and were walking around. I was trying to stake them out, for no reason, apparently, because I realized in my dream that once I got close to them, I didn't know what to do. Apparently my dream-spy self did not know how to take ppl down or plant tracking devices or anything. I'm such a boring dream-spy! Anyway, I ended up waking up because I had walked into a store in my dream and sat down on the couch. I then picked up some magazine (it was in Russian, I think) to try to look inconspicuous. Unfortunately, the bad guy spotted me and came over and was like, "YOU! You're one of them! You're one of those SPIES!" and proceeded to attack me. I then woke up. (I think this spy thing comes from Alias withdrawal. I quit the show. I know, the shock, the horror.)

My second dream, I was at school and walked into the science library chewing on my sandwich. Now, eating is NOT NOT NOT allowed in the library, and in my dream, there was some crazy food monitor person who went around staring at people's mouths to see if they were chewing or not. Unfortunately, he saw me and proceeded to SHOUT at me that I was NOT allowed to eat in the library. I stumbled a few words about how I was just chewing and that I had finished eating outside the library. He mocked me and got mad that I was talking back, so he put both his hands on my arms and picked me up, sorta squishy-like, and tried to make me leave. Then I woke up.

So some thoughts. First, why is there so much physical violence in my dreams? Second, why am I obsessed with spy things? Third. THere is no third. I'm going back to work.

1 comment:

naomi said...

maybe you sleepwalk, and during that time you fight crime. ?