Thursday, September 09, 2004

Blogger BOOO

Blogger ate my last super-long entry. No more long entries, forget it. This blog will be done in random point form (it's mostly about last weekend).
  • Oh, I think I boasted about how I beat Mike at speed. Big-time. Mwahahaha. Okay, but, admittedly, he did kick my butt after in strategic war. STRATEGIC war, you say? Yes! War is just so unchallenging, so I decided we should be able to look at all the cards in our hand and decide which card to play. It's pretty hilarious, because you end up kicking yourself for putting out bad cards. It's also pretty interesting when you have a war.
  • It was so neat visiting Steph and Mike's places. Mike, I don't know how you survive living across from a MALL!!! Last Christmas when I worked in the mall, it was brutal cuz I just kept going shopping on my breaks!
  • I did a lot of assembling Ikea furniture. Also quite fun. Oh, and we blew up the big inflatable queen size bed! The one that comes with a stand, even, that they advertise in all those commercials. For those posh campers.
  • the wedding was really nice. They had it in a winery, which was absolutely beautiful, and the bride was beautiful of course. She has red hair and blue eyes! Isn't that amazing!? I had tons of fun hanging out all weekend in London with old friends, and new ones!
  • Happy birthday (for tmw), oh cake-hating, fuzzy-tomato-eating one. You know who you are.
  • I got to drink Koolaid on the weekend, which is so neat because I never have Koolaid at my house, not even the Jammers!
  • I wore a strapless black dress ($20 at the Gap!!!!), only I had horrible tan lines from camp so I had to wear my hair down very strategically to cover. Ahahaha, I'm such a loser!
  • the Godfather skit at the wedding consisted of the father of the bride talking like the Godfather. It was hilarious. It started off, "Martin, it has come to my attention in the past hour that you are showing considerable interest in my youngest daughter, Kathleen. Now, I'm ready to make a deal with you. I may need a favour in the future, and I know you own a large array of power and construction tools. I may even need to borrow your cement mixer...." etc. It was hilarious. :)

So that was the good 'ol weekend recap very quickly.

Now it's time for the most hilariously ridiculous story in the entire world.

My sister knows a guy, and he has 2 brothers. They all love cars. One night, they decide to go to the BMW dealership at ONE AM to look at cars. This BMW dealership is across the street from a police station. That is brilliant move #1. They drive to the dealership in their brand new car. Brilliant move #2. So, they get to the dealership and are scoping out the cars in the middle of the night, when a police cruiser pulls up. They think nothing of it and continue to peruse. Suddenly, more cop cars are pulling up around them, and they're actually ARRESTED and put into the back of the cruisers! Why? Because the first cop car ran their plate because they were kinda suspicious (3 grown men, checking out BMWs in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT). Turns out that because the car was so new, it wasn't totally properly registered yet, so they thought it was a stolen car. What is even better is they asked who was driving, and they all said the youngest brother was, even though he wasn't, because the older brothers had outstanding parking tickets and stuff. Brilliant move #3: Youngest brother had forgotten his license in a friend's car. He phones his friend who proceeds to hang up on him because it's late. It was just hilarious. First of all, really, WHO goes to check out cars that late at night, ACROSS from a police station. And then all this bad luck. Ahahaha, it was hilarious!

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