Thursday, September 30, 2004

Humour me...

Okay, humour me for a couple of minutes. I want you to think about your funeral. Morbid, perhaps, but just humour me. You see your funeral, with your friends, family, relatives gathered around. Then the eulogies start. One of your friends gives a eulogy. One co-worker gives a eulogy. Finally, a close family member gives a eulogy. What do you picture them saying? Consider this really you hear them saying that you were a loving husband, caring friend, loving mother? What you want others to say about you at your funeral is the kind of person you want to be remembered for being. It's the kind of person you want to be. So now you have the end in mind. Think about the present though. Are you there? Are you the person you want to be right now? And the next question is, do you know when you're going to die? So why not start now? You know what the end is, and you know what the beginning is. Start right now to become the person you want to be! This death and dying course is really making me think about death. However, there is a bright side. Thinking about death automatically makes you think about life and how precious it is.

Anyway, I had a good day of connecting with old friends. I met a guy today that I had approached last year doing a survey about The Passion of the Christ cuz he's friends with my friend. I had forgotten how much I hate it when guys check out girls, but honestly, he kept saying things like, "Oh, she's hot." He was talking about a girl we mutually know, and he said, "Nah, I don't really like her, I just like to look at her." DISGUSTING. I don't know. I mean, it's one thing to say that someone is pretty or good-looking. But to say one is hot is so much more sleazy. It really seems more like objectification. It seems like such a male-pig thing to do, to sit there with "the guys" and check out girls. What annoyed me even more was that he insisted that if I ever met his friend Justin, that I would just think he was incredible. Honestly, do I look that shallow? Frankly, I don't care how big his muscles are. That kind of stuff just isn't attractive to me. It really is so much in the personality. Looks don't last forever, but a person's character does. Sigh. Anyway, today, I was reminded of male piggy-ness, and it was disappointing.

I had a better meeting with a girl I mentor with Campus Crusade after. She's so awesome! :) It's amazing to see how much she's grown in every area of her life since I've known her. It's her last year, too, so we were talking about what we wanted our last year to look like. I'm excited, but rather sad about my last year. I wish I had more time to make more of an impact, to do all the things that I want to do. On the other hand, I'm really rather glad to get out of money-sucking York. I will miss the ppl, though. But I'm really praying for the ministry this year, that it will keep growing and be self-sustaining. I know the York ministry will be huge someday; I guess I'm just impatient to see it happen.

Thought of the day (thanks Ian!): Complaining is all about pride. It implies that you know better than God how things should be and that the current situation just isn't good enough.

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