Monday, September 06, 2004

Violent fun at camp

Why am I so fun to pick on? One of the things I love to do is sleep on the dock at camp. Unfortunately, dock activity has been high this year and all the kids go swimming. Ultra super unfortunately, people seem to enjoy threatening to throw me into the water. One pair of high school guys decided they were gonna throw me in, but I managed to escape via excellent whining skills. Ex. "Nooooo, pleaaaaase, I don't wanna get wet today, noooooooooooo....come on, please? Get me wet another day, come oooooooooooonnnn........" Steve finally decided to give up. He said my whining was getting too annoying. Mwahahahahaa. Those two kept threatening to throw me in, but never did.

Then Rudy decided to try to throw me in because I had wet him slightly during a camp water fight. He originally had a bucket of water, but I overturned it so he decided just to throw me into the water. It actually got quite violent. He was wrestling me and dragging me across the dock by my feet. Wasn't fun, and actually hurt a little. But anyway, I managed to escape, yes, call me Houdini, and ran to my cabin. I finally changed back into my wet water fight clothes and let Rudy soak me because I didn't want to run from him forever. I just didn't have enough energy.

Some more violent fun came from the game wink. Basically, the gals sit on chairs in a circle, and the one guy stands behind each chair. One chair is empty. The guy behind the empty chair winks at a girl, and she has to try to get to the empty chair before being caught by the guy behind her chair. Very fun times, but I bruised my knee TWICE trying to keep my partner from escaping. I smashed it into the chair.

Bruise count: 2

Oh, we had a good softball game against our church team, and I got hit with a softball. The funniest part was that the best player threw it in from the OUTFIELD and it even bounced before it hit me by home plate, but I still got a huge welt.

Bruise count: 3

Some more mystery bruises appeared along my shin.

Bruise count: 4

The worst bruise came when we were at a campfire. Some ppl thought it would be fun to form a circle and push ppl around inside it. It looked like serious bullying, but was actually hilarious until they decided I should get pushed around. That was semi-funny also, until the shoved me into a log and I smashed my knee into it.

Total bruise count for the week: 5

And this is from someone who does not bruise easily at all. Call me the peach.

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