Sunday, September 19, 2004

Man On Fire, Drenched in tears

My weekend was pretty good. The highlight was seeing Man on Fire with Denzel Washington and Dakota Fanning. I didn't really expect it to be good, because I didn't hear that much about it when it came out in theatres, but it is amazing! Basically, it's about Dakota Fanning having a bodyguard (Denzel) and their relationship...except she gets kidnapped partway through. And spoiler coming up in .....3...........2............1.........oh, actually, I can't bear to spoil it for you, although it is slightly predictable, but still pretty interesting. Anyway, it made me think about how corrupt the police are in Latin America, and about how horrible it must be to have your child kidnapped. Do kidnappings for money happen in N. America anymore? Actually, maybe I'd prefer kidnappings for money, rather than kidnappings for the crap that goes on up here. :(

But it's a good movie, and it has a good ending.... I bawled my little eyes out. It was THAT sad. Sniff. Dakota Fanning's just so darn cute.

Annoying moment of the weekend: Annoying Pizza Hut operators who charge you $7 extra for some stupid crust, when all you want is regular oven-baked crust. Only noooo, she won't give it to us because apparently you can't have this crust if you get a certain deal. Well, we did 5 minutes later when we called again to double-check and we got a nice Pizza Hut operator. :P!!!

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