Sunday, September 12, 2004

Like a deer in the headlights

I have noticed a pattern in my life. When I encounter adverse situations, I either freeze, or if I can escape, I try to run in the opposite direction. Take for example, my teaching placement for the year. Now, I have a sneaking suspicion that I will LOVE my grade 5s, but at the moment, I'm petrified because I'm not exactly sure what to expect. I hate failing. Now, in a situation that I feel uncomfortable in, I normally try to run in the other direction, but as I am trapped in this placement for the year, I just freeze. I'm supposed to be planning a "get-to-know-you" activity for my class, but I really really just don't want to. I'm doing everything else besides planning it. I'm sure once I get it over and done with, I'll be fine, but I really really don't want to do it right now. My host teacher is super-strict this year, which is good to see, but at the same time, she's SCARY! Aie aie.

On a side note, while very much avoiding planning my activity for tomorrow, I have whipped up an 8-foot banner for my Campus Crusade retreat this Oct 1-3. Is anyone interested in going? We have groups coming from most universities, so it'll be easy to get transportation. It's nice to get away for a bit. :) Anyway, it's $99 before Sept. 21, so lemme know if anyone wants to go. So yes, as I was saying, this banner has helped me realize that I really like banner-making. I'm going to start another one as soon as this first one dries. If you're at York anytime, check out my banner handiwork in the Student Centre. :)

P.S. Why aren't ppl updating their blogs as much these days? Goodness, so dedicated to school and work. Look at me, the slacker updating pretty much everyday! But yeah, I enjoy hearing what's up with you people, so update already, will you???

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