Monday, September 06, 2004

Voiceless and exhausted

Hello faithful bloggie readers. I'm so tired. And yet I'm up in the middle of the night, but I'm having a good spiritual conversation with one of my friends.

My week of camp was amazing. I don't even mind that I missed the closing ceremonies for the Olympics (does the wedding dance really look like the death one??). There are so many stories to tell, so many memories, but I'll start with the fact that I have pretty much lost my voice in the upper 2 octaves from trying to win spirit points for my team, and also for leading worship at camp. Apparently I sound like Marlene Dietrich, Kathleen Turner or Demi Moore. All husky-voiced and sultry. AHAHAHAHAHAhaha.

Oh, wow, there really is a lot to say. I'm just going to list the stuff I want to talk about, and then I'll probably spend the next month blogging about it all. Ahahahaha. Welcome to camp central.

1. Little Adam who was a terror at first and softened by the end.
2. A billion and one bruises on my legs. And I do'nt bruise easily.
3. Water fighthing fun.
4. Rule of three.
5. Fantastic food. This one is self-explanatory, unless someone wants a gastronomical explanation of the food we had.
6. Amazing worship.
7. Japan stuff.
8. Campfire farting stories.
9. Rainbow.
10. Good talks with campers.
11. Flirty boy campers, tsk tsk.
12. Skunk.
13. Other. Ahahaha. Anything else I randomly remember will go into this category.
14. Me sucking at sports and wanting to play for fun but not being able to because I suck.

I think I'll just tackle these one by one slowly. I have lots of stuff about this weekend too. Fun central!
1. Wedding fun.
2. Ikea fun.
3. Speed fun.
4. War fun.
5. London expert.
6. I love Koolaid. That's it, actually. Oh, well, that and I'm usually deprived of Kool-aid at home, which is probably why I like it so much.
7. Another other in case I've forgotten something.
8. Oh, yeah, tan line plus strapless dress dilemmas.
9. Fun Godfather skits.

Don't all these just sound so exciting? Ahahaha, stop rolling your eyes.
Okay, so totally briefly: Adam was a little 7 year old who was brilliant and has amazing reading skills. My first encounter with them was sitting next to him and his cousin Matthew (same age) during our first main session. The first thing he says (this kid is like 3 feet tall) is, "Wake me up when it's over." Ahahahaa. I GASPED. Ahahahaha. SO much attitude! And then, he was all, "Kill me now." Gasp AGAIN! Then Matthew pipes up and says, "This is so BORING." I totally thought that it would be a horrible week of attitude from the both of them, but eventually, the shaped up. Adam was hilarious because he randomly break-danced all the time. Once, I was standing 2 feet away from him and asked him about breakdancing, when he suddenly screamed, "Get away from me!" at me. Ahahaha, after that, everytime I saw him, I said that to him. It was quite funny. He hunted me down eventually and said, "I'm going to kill you" in a really creepy voice. He's SO random! Later tho, he and I had a date at the swings. He wanted to see how good my under-doggy was. Ahahahahaha. He rated it, "Okay." THe best thing about Adam though was that he was so bright, but also that he understood the Gospel. One session, he just burst out with, "We all need God, that's the answer." Such an advanced little thing for him to say. We gave him a Bible, and he wouldn't put the thing down. This SEVEN-yr-old!!! He was showing me how he was going to read all these different sections about Jesus' death and resurrection. It was crazy! He carried it EVERYWHERE for TWO WHOLE days. He was such a cutie. I can't believe he couldn't put it down. THat's total child-like faith, and it was so inspiring. I should be this excited about my Bible!!!

That was just number one. This is going to take forever. Let's hope nothing interesting happens these next couple of days so I don't have even more to blog about.

P.S. Read Uche's blog about PETA. So hilarious.

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