Friday, August 06, 2004

Practicing my ASL!

Happy day, yesterday, I actually got to practice my ASL (American Sign Language). One of the volunteers, who was also a camper, has a brother who is deaf and knows ASL. It was really fun to sign with him, although in the spur of the moment, I found I forgot a lot of my signs. I need to practice more. ANyway, today though, the volunteer comes in and tells me his brother liked meeting me because I was perky! Ahahaha, apparently perky even when signing! And another assistant commented on my perkiness today. Am I really that perky? I felt pretty cruddy today. Wow. Perky. That's me! (roll eyes)

Yesterday was also a staff hang-out day where we went to the Putting Edge and challenged each other to some mini-golf. It was okay, but I had been feeling sick since the afternoon, so I wasn't as into it. And, there's something about those psychedelic little paintings and swirls that makes you dizzy after being in there too long. Eighteen holes seemed REALLY long.

That's about it. Why can't I remember any funny kid stories? I laugh at them all day, and when I get home, I can't seem to remember anything!

Latest read: The Teeth of the Tiger by Tom Clancy. AHahaha, I can never get away from Clancy as much as I try.

P.S. I know you're reading this in Romania. Hope your trip is tons o' fun!


Nelson said...

What! You read Tom Clancy! That's surprising to me!

Michelle said...

Yeah, ever since my first Clancy, I've been hooked. I'm not into his political stuff as much (I didn't really enjoy Executive Orders as much), but I'm all about the spy stuff. I love covertness! What can I say. Matt knows about my long-time relationship with Clancy. Ahahaha.